I have an existing jQuery plugin which makes a lot of AJAX calls (mostly JSON). I am wondering what is the quickest to allow it to do cross-site calls i.e. the $.get and $.p
If you have control over the remote domain or the remote domain has a permissive crossdomain.xml you can drop in a library like flXHR in conjunction with its jQuery plugin.
You can also use CORS instead of JSONP, works with ff,chrome,safari. CORS is less troublesome to setup and requires only a filter in server-side.
Please go through this article.Well explained and similar. Only constraint is IE does not support this and older versions of FF,chrome also has some issues.
JSONP will allow you to do cross-site calls. See jQuery docs on that matter.
The concept is simple: instead of doing a normal Ajax call, jQuery will append a <script>
tag to your <head>
. In order for this to work, your JSON data needs to be wrapped in a
function call.
Your server needs to send information in such way (PHP example):
$json = json_encode($data);
echo $_GET['jsonp_callback'] . '(' . $json . ');';
Then, you can use jQuery to fetch that information:
dataType: 'jsonp',
jsonp: 'jsonp_callback',
url: 'http://myotherserver.com/getdata',
success: function () {
// do stuff
More information is available here: What is JSONP?