I am trying to amend the macro below to accept a macro parameter as the \'location\' argument for a dir command. However I cannot get it to resolve correctly due to the nes
We use this little macro
%macro getdir(dir=,redirect=, switch=);
options noxwait xsync;
%if %length(&switch)=0 %then %let switch=b;
data _null_;
xcmd='dir "' || "&dir" || '"' || "/&switch " || ">" || "&redirect";
put 'generated the following command: ' xcmd=;
put 'result code of above command: ' rc=;
%mend getdir;
Sample Call
%getdir(dir=c:\temp\,redirect=c:\temp\dir.txt) *run;
If you run in batch and don't have the option noxwait xsync
the job will hang on the server waiting for an operator response.
here's a quick macro to pull windows-based directory listings into a sas data set.
%macro DirList(dir); /* %if &SUBDIR eq %then %let subdir=/s; */ /*** &SUBDIR not defined ****/ filename dirpipe pipe "dir &DIR.\*.* /s /-c"; data dir_list(label="Directory Listing [&DIR.]" drop=re_: _line_ date time); format Path File $250. ModDT datetime19. Size 16. _line_ $32000. ; if _N_ = 1 then do; re_path=prxparse("/Directory of (.+)/"); re_subd=prxparse("/(\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d\d\d)\s+(\d\d:\d\d [A|P]M)\s+\s+(\S.*)/"); re_file=prxparse("/(\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d\d\d)\s+(\d\d:\d\d [A|P]M)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S.*)/"); retain re_: path; end; infile dirpipe lrecl=32000; input; _line_ = _infile_; if lengthn(_line_)=0 then delete; else if prxmatch(re_path, _line_) then do; path=prxposn(re_path, 1, _line_); end; else if prxmatch(re_subd, _line_) then do; date=input(prxposn(re_subd, 1, _line_), mmddyy10.); time=input(prxposn(re_subd, 2, _line_), time6.); ModDT=dhms(date, 0, 0, time); File=prxposn(re_subd, 3, _line_); size = .D; /*mark subdirectory records*/ if file not in ('.', '..') then output; end; else if prxmatch(re_file, _line_) then do; date=input(prxposn(re_file, 1, _line_), mmddyy10.); time=input(prxposn(re_file, 2, _line_), time6.); ModDT=dhms(date, 0, 0, time); size=input(prxposn(re_file, 3, _line_), 16.); file=prxposn(re_file, 4, _line_); output; end; run; filename dirpipe clear; %mend;
and here's how they get called
%dirlist(c:); %dirlist(c:\temp);
notice there is no trailing backslash when specifying the base directory. C:
not C:\