I\'m testing an iPad on iOS 4.3, which by default uses 4 finger (up/down) gestures to switch out of apps. This interferes with an on-screen piano keyboard I\'m using, howev
One way to detect this is you will get 4 touchesCancelled at once in a single (NSSet *)touches
event if the person accidentally did the 4 finger swipe, and 5 touchesCancelled if the person did the 5 finger grab.
At that point you can display a dialog box in your app, telling the user how to turn off the multitasking gestures, once he switches back to the app.
I believe you go to settings> general> Multitasking gestures and turn them off.
No Dice
This is currently impossible to do programmatically. The most complete thread on it is here:
and the answer, if it were true, would probably be here (it's not):
Other Possibilities
The other way to go would be at least to inform the user that they have the setting "wrong." Can you detect it? It seems you cannot:
iOS Multitasking gestures: Is there any way to check if the user has them turned on or not?