I am trying to use a BATCH file as a choose your own adventure story in which the user can create a character and be called by name and such by the characters in the story.
You cannot do that in batch script literally, but if you define functions, you can output data within the function block that also writes to a log file before the function returns, like so:
@ECHO off
echo. 2>outfile.log
CALL :functionPerson "Jon Doe" jump
:functionPerson fullname action
ECHO fullname is ^"%~1^"
ECHO action is %2
ECHO %1 performs action %2>> outfile.log
Each time you echo
for the player to know what happens, you could also echo
into your log file, adding date and time at the beginning of your line :) Simple as that for me.
Don't know how your script looks though.
As my other answer got quite long due to some edits, here is a new suggestion (not much changed, but it makes the code quite easy to read):
@ECHO off
SET LogFile=logfile.out
set "say=call :logit "
%say% "This is my message!"
%say% "Hear my thunder?"
GOTO :end
ECHO %~1
echo %date% %time% - %~1 >>%logfile%
for this purpose I use the following:
set LogFile=somepath\logfile.txt
set logg=^> _^&type _^&type _^>^>%LogFile%
echo this goes to screen AND file! %logg%
This is a bit tricky. So let's disassemble that line to four parts:
set logg= ^> _ ^&type _ ^&type _^>^>%LogFile%
The Idea is to print the line to a temporary file (named _
) (second part)
then type the contents of that file to screen (third part)
then type it to the logfile (fourth part).
Put that all to a variable (first part), so you don't have to type that monsterstring to every line. (this is the reason why the >
and &
are escaped with ^
So every time you use
echo whatever %logg%
it will appear on the screen AND write to %logfile%
Note that this will also work:
%logg% echo whatever
Edit djangofan: Also, you can do it with functions:
@ECHO off :: do not enable delayed expansion since it will break this method SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS SET LogFile=logfile.out SET Logg=^> tmp.out^&^& type tmp.out^&^&type tmp.out^>^>%LogFile% CALL :logit "This is my message!" CALL :logit "Hear my thunder?" GOTO :end :logit ECHO %~1 %Logg% DEL /Q tmp.out EXIT /B 0 :end pause
Edit Stephan:
If you use CALL, the %logg%
would be overkill. In that case I would just use:
echo %~1
echo %date%,%time% - %~1 >>logfile
exit /b 0
This might be the best solution to the original question, because the Date/Time will be written into logfile, but not on the screen. Btw: you don't have to delete the tempfile every time you use it, just delete it one time, just before the batch ends.