i have two time values as give below
$time = 06:58:00;
$time2 = 00:40:00;
I am doing this for calculating the appointments and available
Easiest way to add two times using php is :
1) Convert time from H:i:s (e.g. 08:15:40) format to seconds.
2) do the same for second time value ref:step 1
3) add converted values and store it php variable
4) Now convert total (which is in seconds) to H:i:s
and it works for me.
PHP Script:
$str_time ="08:04:40";
$str_time = preg_replace("/^([\d]{1,2})\:([\d]{2})$/", "00:$1:$2", $str_time);
sscanf($str_time, "%d:%d:%d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
$hrs_old_seconds = $hours * 3600 + $minutes * 60 + $seconds;
$str_time ="02:10:22";
$str_time = preg_replace("/^([\d]{1,2})\:([\d]{2})$/", "00:$1:$2", $str_time);
sscanf($str_time, "%d:%d:%d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
$hrs_toadd_seconds = $hours * 3600 + $minutes * 60 + $seconds;
$hrs_old_int1 = $hrs_old_seconds + $hrs_toadd_seconds;
echo $Total=gmdate("H:i:s", $hrs_old_int1);
Result= :10:15:02