With lists of dictionaries such as the following:
user_course_score = [
{\'course_id\': 1456, \'score\': 56},
{\'course_id\': 316, \'score\': 71}
Here's a possible solution:
def merge_lists(l1, l2, key):
merged = {}
for item in l1+l2:
if item[key] in merged:
merged[item[key]] = item
return merged.values()
courses = merge_lists(user_course_score, courses, 'course_id')
[{'course_id': 1456, 'name': 'History', 'score': 56},
{'course_id': 316, 'name': 'Science', 'score': 71},
{'course_id': 926, 'name': 'Geography'}]
As you can see, I used a dictionary ('merged') as a halfway point. Of course, you can skip a step by storing your data differently, but it depends also on the other uses you may have for those variables.
All the best.
Rahul is correct; a list of dictionaries is not the right way to do this. Think about it like this: dictionaries are mappings between pieces of data. Your final example, courses
, is the right way to store the data; you could then do something like this to store the per-user data:
courses = {
1456: 'History',
316: 'Science',
926: 'Geography'
} # Note the lack of quotes
test_scores = {
1456: { <user-id>: <score on History test> },
316: { <user-id>: <score on History test> },
926: { <user-id>: <score on History test> }
dictionary is basically a list of (key, value) pairs.
in your case,
user_course_score can just be a dictionary of (course_id, score) rather than a list of dictionaries (you are just complicating it unnecessarily)
similarly, course can just be a dictionary of (course_id, name)
what you have suggested in the end is the right way :)
You could also try:
course.update(score) for course
in courses for score in user_course_score
if course['course_id'] == score['course_id']