I have the following connection string:
Data Source=Paul-HP\\MYDB;Initial Catalog=MyMSDBSQL;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=password
Probably easiest to encrypt the connection strings within the web.config or app.config
See How To: Encrypt Configuration Sections in ASP.NET 2.0 Using DPAPI
First of all, don't use the "SA" account. It leaves your database wide open if someone gets the password. Use a custom account which only is allowed to do CRUD operations on a specific database.
The only way to get web.config
is to hack your server. And if they have done that, you're screwed anyway.
I Suggest en/decrypting the connection string. Therefore the connection string has to be set manually.
For encryption take a look at: http://dotnet-snippets.de/dns/encrypt-and-decrypt-strings-SID205.aspx
For Custom Settings take a look at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8eyb2ct1.aspx
Replace the Encrypted with the correct one at runtime:
public static void SetAppSettingValue(string Key, string Value)
System.Configuration.Configuration config == ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
// Add an Application Setting.
config.AppSettings.Settings[Key].Value = Value;
// Save the changes in App.config file.
You have a number of options - the ones that I am aware of (in order of preference):
So for example the connection string might look like this:
Data Source=Paul-HP\MYDB;Initial Catalog=MyMSDBSQL;Persist Security Info=True;User ID={0};Password={1}
I'd go for option 1, if thats not possible then option 2. I've mentioned option 3 for completeness.
Have you read Protecting Connection Information (ADO.NET)?
You could encrypt the connection string - then when you access the connection string, decrypt it. This isn't fool proof though as you're then stuck with the problem of where to store the key to decrypt the connection string!