I am working on an ASP.NET MVC project and so far I had no problems with scaffolding any type of items until now.
Every time I want to create a new controller or vie
One of the possibility is if your web.config file is open then this error might appear. Try closing the web.config file and then add a View.
You can also reach out to this website for more reference: Error Running the Selected Code Generate Value
Hope this helps.
I tried it all and finally found a solution that worked, this issue only happens when the web.config file is open in the editor. Hope this help.
Credits :
Vijay Ramakrishnan [MSFT]
You just need to - delete ".vs" folder from your solution directory. In summary only the deleting of the .vs folder is what has worked for me.
On reopening VS2019 16.2.3 - I can now add in Controllers and Views without seeing this error.
Found it from Microsoft Developer Community site: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/626755/error-running-the-selected-code-generator-value-1.html?childToView=684261#comment-684261
I was able to fix this by replacing the web project with a new one.
-I renamed the project like project_old folder and removed it from solution. -Added a new project to the solution by right click and add project -Created the old controllers and everything with copying from old project files -Updated nuget packages and deleted old project files
Clean Solution -> Rebuild Solution and voilla
try both any one will work either of them.
1.Just delete .vs folder in project solution.
2.If above fix does not work.,close your web.config file if it is opened.
I was getting this error - as my project is a git repository, I ran git clean -xfd on it, then rebuilt it and was able to add a controller when I tried again.