If I have this:
Then this finds b in a:
b in a => True
Is there a way of doi
I timed the accepted solution, my earlier solution and a new one with an index. The one with the index is clearly best.
EDIT: I timed nosklo's solution, it's even much better than what I came up with. :)
def is_sublist_index(a, b):
if not a:
return True
index = 0
for elem in b:
if elem == a[index]:
index += 1
if index == len(a):
return True
elif elem == a[0]:
index = 1
index = 0
return False
def is_sublist(a, b):
return str(a)[1:-1] in str(b)[1:-1]
def is_sublist_copylist(a, b):
if a == []: return True
if b == []: return False
return b[:len(a)] == a or is_sublist_copylist(a, b[1:])
from timeit import Timer
print Timer('is_sublist([99999], range(100000))', setup='from __main__ import is_sublist').timeit(number=100)
print Timer('is_sublist_copylist([99999], range(100000))', setup='from __main__ import is_sublist_copylist').timeit(number=100)
print Timer('is_sublist_index([99999], range(100000))', setup='from __main__ import is_sublist_index').timeit(number=100)
print Timer('sublist_nosklo([99999], range(100000))', setup='from __main__ import sublist_nosklo').timeit(number=100)
Output in seconds:
This should work with whatever couple of lists, preserving the order. Is checking if b is a sub list of a
def is_sublist(b,a):
if len(b) > len(a):
return False
if a == b:
return True
i = 0
while i <= len(a) - len(b):
if a[i] == b[0]:
flag = True
j = 1
while i+j < len(a) and j < len(b):
if a[i+j] != b[j]:
flag = False
j += 1
if flag:
return True
i += 1
return False
Use the lists' string representation and remove the square braces. :)
def is_sublist(a, b):
return str(a)[1:-1] in str(b)
EDIT: Right, there are false positives ... e.g. is_sublist([1], [11])
. Crappy answer. :)