I have a d3 bar chart whose values range from 0-3. I would like the y-axis to only show integer values, which I can do by
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(y).
You could add .ticks(4) and .tickSubdivide(0) as I've done below:
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
Used this TIP to make this work on dynamic charts (1 or more charts on page)
That did the trick. I changed to be Math.min(maxHeight+1,yAxis.ticks()) so if the graph height is less than the number of ticks, it reduces the number of ticks. – Jeff Storey Nov 28 '12 at 2:47
// It is either 10 or Maximum Chart height + 1
var graphValues = selection.data()[0].map(function(obj) {
return obj['count'];
Array.prototype.maxValArray = function() {
return Math.max.apply(null, this);
var maxValue = graphValues.maxValArray();
yAxis.ticks(Math.min(maxValue + 1, 10))
The proper solution is to retrieve ticks using .ticks() method, filter them to keep only integers and pass them to .tickValues():
const yAxisTicks = yScale.ticks()
.filter(tick => Number.isInteger(tick));
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale)
For completeness here is explanation why other solutions are bad:
@BoomShakalaka solution uses .tickSubdivide()
method, which no longer exists.
@cssndrx and @kris solutions force you to specify number of ticks, so it will not work in generic case.
You can programatically set the number of ticks to data.length - 1
(this solves the issue you were having for small numbers of ticks as well)
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.ticks(data.length - 1)
From all listed solutions, I haven't been able to get rid off tick marks.
remove labels but not the ticks.
So I propose to apply a threshold on ticks(). If less than 4 then it is set to the limit itself (0,1,2,3). Is done with:
.on("preRedraw", function(chart) {
var maxTick = chart.group().top(1)[0].value;
if (maxTick < 4) {
} else {
A jsfiddle is available from https://jsfiddle.net/PBrockmann/k7qnw3oj/
Let me know if there is a simpler solution. Regards