using beautifulsoup with html5lib, it puts the html, head and body tags automatically:
\', \'html5lib\') # => <
Yet another solution:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup('<p>Hello <a href="">Google</a></p><p>Hi!</p>', 'lxml')
# content handling example (just for example)
# replace Google with StackOverflow
for a in soup.findAll('a'):
a['href'] = ''
a.string = 'StackOverflow'
print ''.join([unicode(i) for i in soup.html.body.findChildren(recursive=False)])
Since v4.0.1 there's a method decode_contents()
>>> BeautifulSoup('<h1>FOO</h1>', 'html5lib').decode_contents()
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