I try to use jQuery DataTables but I get the error
TypeError: c is undefined
I don\'t know what is wrong with my code as I can s
Check whether you have added
I've resolved this problem by adding those.
So basically the structure must be like:
dataSrc is a special dataTables ajax option, that should be included inside the ajax object :
"ajax": {
"dataSrc": "Data", //<--- place dataSrc here instead
"type": "POST",
You have placed it outside ajax, and by that dataTables have no idea what source to use (besides blindly trying the ajax response) or where LOGIN
Sometime, This type issue arrives by fixing mismatched / unequal columns with HTML and datatables columns.
"columns": [
{"orderable": false, "width":"2%"},
Above javascript defined 4 columns and HTML having 5 columns
Hence you will have to fix / equal both side HTMl and Datatable configuration.
"columns": [
null, //Added New
{"orderable": false, "width":"2%"},