I have some web server logs that I\'d like to query with Hive. The directory structure, in HDFS, looks like this:
settings from ozw1z5rd's post worked on Hortonworks
alter table .... set blproperties (
"hive.input.dir.recursive" = "TRUE",
"hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories" = "TRUE",
"hive.supports.subdirectories" = "TRUE",
"mapred.input.dir.recursive" = "TRUE");
If you are using ambari the set the following properties to hive advanced config inside custom hive-site.xml.
**- SET hive.input.dir.recursive=TRUE
SET hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories=TRUE
SET hive.supports.subdirectories=TRUE
SET mapred.input.dir.recursive=TRUE**
And then restart the affected services. This will read all the data recursively.
These are not tables properties.
TBLPROPERTIES ("hive.input.dir.recursive" = "TRUE",
"hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories" = "TRUE",
"hive.supports.subdirectories" = "TRUE",
"mapred.input.dir.recursive" = "TRUE");
A) add
in hive-site.xml
Using Hive in HDInsight, I set the following properties before I create my external table in the Hive query and it works for me.
SET hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories=TRUE;
SET mapred.input.dir.recursive=TRUE;