How to install numpy+mkl for python 2.7 on windows 64 bit?

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-12-03 08:44

I\'ve already installed numpy 1.9.0 in Python.Now what should I do to get numpy+mkl?

  • 2020-12-03 08:54

    The easiest way is to install an entire Python distribution with lots of included packages, such as numpy and mkl. I would suggest the Anaconda Python distribution,

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  • 2020-12-03 08:58

    The above answer does great (+1) and brought me on the right track, but to clear things up even more:

    1. You can download the .whl from here
    2. For choosing the right .whl you need to know numpy‑1.11.3+mkl‑cpXX‑cpXXm‑win_amd64.whl where the XX are actually your python version (e.g. 36 for python version 3.6.x)
    3. Do pip install numpy‑1.11.3+mkl‑cp**XX**‑cp**XX**m‑win_amd64.whl in your cmd window and the place where you did download the .whl into
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  • 2020-12-03 09:13

    If you do not have an entire Python distribution or you do not want to install one, you can download and install a compiled whl package from Christoph Gohlke's webpage. This whl contains numpy and is linked against mkl. When installing this package, you install both: numpy with the mkl dependencies.

    All you have to do is:

    • download the correct whl file (Choose the right Python version and 32/64 file)
    • open a Windows cli with Windows+R and by running inside cmd
    • go to the directory where you have downloaded the whl file, with cd instructions
    • run pip install numpy‑1.XX.Y+mkl‑cp3X‑cp3Xm‑win_amd64.whl

    For example, the command can be

    pip install numpy‑1.11.3+mkl‑cp35‑cp35m‑win_amd64.whl

    You can do it for any package with some code that has to be compiled

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