I am making API calls to a server. I am leveraging Alamofire to handle this. I\'m trying to create a function that uses Alamofire\'s GET function to return an object based
The code between the {}
is the equivalent of block in objective-C : this is a chunk of code that gets executed asynchronously.
The error you made is where you put your return statement : when you launch your request, the code in {}
is not executed until the framework received a response, so when the return
statement is reached, chances are, there is still no response. You could simply move the line :
return responsePackage
inside the closure, so the func
return only when it has received a response. This is a simple way, but it's not really optimal : your code will get stuck at waiting for the answers. The best way you can do this is by using closure, too. This would look something like :
func get(apiEndPoint: NSString, completion: (response: ResponsePackage) -> ()) -> Bool {
let responsePackage = ResponsePackage()
.request(.GET, apiEndPoint)
.responseJSON {(request, response, JSON, error) in
responsePackage.response = JSON
responsePackage.success = true
responsePackage.error = error
completion(response: responsePackage)
I make an example follow your question about responseJSON with closures:
Follow this little steps:
First of all you can create your custom types in a general class (for example a Constants.swift class):
typealias apiSuccess = (result: NSDictionary?) -> Void
typealias apiProgress = (result: NSDictionary?) -> Void // when you want to download or upload using Alamofire..
typealias apiFailure = (error: NSDictionary?) -> Void
Then in your class:
// Normal http request with JSON response..
func callJSONrequest(url:String, params:[String: AnyObject]?, success successBlock :apiSuccess,
failure failureBlock :apiFailure) {
Alamofire.request(.GET, url, parameters: params, encoding: ParameterEncoding.URL)
.responseJSON { response in
print("\(response.request?.URL)") // original URL request
//print(response.response) // URL response
//print(response.data) // server data
//print(response.result) // result of response serialization
if response.result.isSuccess {
let jsonDic = response.result.value as! NSDictionary
successBlock(result: jsonDic)
} else {
let httpError: NSError = response.result.error!
let statusCode = httpError.code
let error:NSDictionary = ["error" : httpError,"statusCode" : statusCode]
failureBlock(error: error)
func myCommonFunction() {
let myApiSuccess: apiSuccess = {(result: NSDictionary?) -> Void in
print ("Api Success : result is:\n \(result)")
// Here you can make whatever you want with result dictionary
let myApiFailure: apiFailure = {(error: NSDictionary?) -> Void in
print ("Api Failure : error is:\n \(error)")
// Here you can check the errors with error dictionary looking for http error type or http status code
var params :[String: AnyObject]?
let name : String! = "this is my name"
let id : String! = "000a"
params = ["name" : name, "id" : id]
let url : String! = "https://etc..."
callJSONrequest(url, params:params, success: myApiSuccess, failure: myApiFailure)