I\'m trying to update JVM\'s Time Zone info using TZUpdater 2.2.0.
> [root@local tzupdater-2.2.0]# java -jar tzupdater.jar -V
tzupdater version 2.2.0-b0
If you are having problems with the Japanese version, you can use another link for Brazil. java -jar tzupdater.jar -l https://data.iana.org/time-zones/releases/tzdata2018e.tar.gz
Use these commands:
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
sudo update-alternatives --config java
and choose the number *0 (automatic)
sudo update-alternatives --config javac
and choose the same *0.
If you already have the tzupdater only see the version of it that is already 2018
java -jar tzupdater.jar -V
I was running into the same error, then I fixed the downloaded file from IANA, using the following shell script, which replaces the troublesome line in the file by the previous version of "asia" file, as described by @lucas-basquerotto in his post below. I've tested and it works fine!
Please, download the TZUpdater bundle, extract the tzupdater.jar and update the variable TZUPDATER_JAR with the full file path of the downloaded jar file in order to run the script successfully.
#FULL PATH TO tzupdater.jar
OUTPUT_ALL=$(java -jar $TZUPDATER_JAR -l 2>&1 >/dev/null)
echo "$OUTPUT_ALL" | grep -e "Caused by: tools.tzdb.DateTimeException: Invalid value for SecondOfDay value: 90000" > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
FIXME_FILE=$(echo "$OUTPUT_ALL" | grep -Po "(?<=java.lang.Exception: Failed while parsing file ').+(?=' on line 1655 'Rul)")
echo "file $FIXME_FILE contains a syntax error"
ERROR_LINE=$(sed -n '1656,1656p' $FIXME_FILE )
echo "Line 1655 \"$ERROR_LINE\" contains an error"
echo "Line 1655 fixed: \"$FIXED_LINE\" ( rule \"Sat>=8 25:00\" replaced by \"Sun>=9 0:00\" as it was used to be on previous version )"
mkdir tzdata
mv tzdata.tar.gz tzdata/
cd tzdata/
echo "untar original tzdata.tar.gz"
tar -xf tzdata.tar.gz
rm tzdata.tar.gz
echo "replacing original $FIXME_FILENAME file"
echo "building a new tar ball with the fixing"
tar -czf ../tzdata-updated.tar.gz *
echo "installing the updated tar file (requires elevation sudo)"
sudo java -jar $TZUPDATER_JAR -l "file:///$TEMP_DIR_NAME/tzdata-updated.tar.gz"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "something went wrong!"
exit 2
echo "installation successful!"
Save this is script under the name update_jdk_tzdata.sh and grant it permission to execute: chmod +x update_jdk_tzdata.sh
and execute it ./update_jdk_tzdata.sh
(it requires sudo in order to update JRE files)
Since tzdata2018g is already released with the fix provided in rearguard format, please use the rearguard tzdata
bundle with -l option.
For tzdata2018g
the command will look like this:
java -jar tzupdater.jar -l https://web.cs.ucla.edu/~eggert/tz/release/2018g/tzdata2018g-rearguard.tar.gz
Update your version of Java 8; the tzupdater tool just works in Java 8 update 181.
Had the same issue here, and the problem seems to be just on the latest version.
java -jar tzupdater.jar -l https://data.iana.org/time-zones/releases/tzdata2018d.tar.gz
(if "2018d" is enough for you) should work fine.
For some reason, after that, upgrading to the latest tzdata also worked fine (with just a warning).