I am using ng-click and it fires twice when I apply it to SPAN tag.
In case of somebody having the same issue: This was my problem:
<a type="submit" ng-click="login()">submit login<a>
Both, the type="submit"
and the ng-click="login()"
triggered the login()-method in my controller.
So just use either the type=submit or the ng-click directive
The code you've provided does not fire the event twice:
http://jsfiddle.net/kNL6E/ (click Save
Perhaps you included Angular twice? If you do that, you'll get two alerts, demonstrated here:
I had a similar problem, but could not find where I included Angular twice in my files.
I was using an ajax calls to load specific form layouts, so I need to use $compile
to activate Angular on the inserted DOM. However, I was using $compile
on my directive $element
which has a controller attached. Turns out this "includes" the controller twice, causing two triggers with ng-click
or ng-submit
I fixed this by using $compile
directly on the inserted DOM instead of my directive $element
was facing same issue. Find out they were using https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.0.8/angular.min.js version and i switch it to latest 1.4.5 version and it just worked.
var app = angular.module('regApp', []);
app.controller('RegistrationCtrl', ['$scope','$http',function($scope,$http ) {
$scope.PostRegistration = function() {
alert('click '); // <--- fires twice
/// some code here --
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="regApp" ng-controller="RegistrationCtrl">
<h2 >Registration for {{data.EventName}}</h2>
<span ng-click="PostRegistration()" class="btn" id="btnSave">Save </span>
I have changed <button ng-click='clickHandler()'> to <a ng-click='clickHandler()'> and now event fires only once
I've had the same issue when dynamically injecting partial views in my SPA(Single Page Applications).The way I solved it was to store the content of my div in a local variable like this:
var html = $("#leftContainer").html();
Then empty out the div and reset its content like this:
Now you can add any additional html you have received from an AJAX call or dynamically constructed and lastly remember to re-compile your HTML to make it bound to angular:
var entities = $("#entitiesContainer");
var entity = "<div><a href='#' ng-click='Left(" + entityId + ")'> " + entityName + "</a><div>"
var leftContainer = angular.element(document.getElementById("entitiesContainer"));