I\'m trying to set up a dictionary as optional argument (using argparse); the following line is what I have so far:
parser.add_argument(\'-i\',\'--image\', t
You can definitely get in something that looks like a dictionary literal into the argument parser, but you've got to quote it so when the shell parses your command line, it comes in as
So something like this can get the text you wanted into your program:
python MYSCRIPT.py -i "{\"name\": \"img.png\", \"voids\": \"#00ff00ff\",\"0\": \"#ff00ff00\",\"100%\": \"#f80654ff\"}"
However, this string is not a valid argument to the dict constructor; instead, it's a valid python code snippet. You could tell your argument parser that the "type" of this argument is eval
, and that will work:
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-i','--image', type=eval, help='Generate an image map...')
args = parser.parse_args()
print args
and calling it:
% python MYSCRIPT.py -i "{\"name\": \"img.png\", \"voids\": \"#00ff00ff\",\"0\": \"#ff00ff00\",\"100%\": \"#f80654ff\"}"
Namespace(image={'0': '#ff00ff00', '100%': '#f80654ff', 'voids': '#00ff00ff', 'name': 'img.png'})
But this is not safe; the input could be anything, and you're evaluating arbitrary code. It would be equally unwieldy, but the following would be much safer:
import argparse
import ast
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-i','--image', type=ast.literal_eval, help='Generate an image map...')
args = parser.parse_args()
print args
This also works, but is MUCH more restrictive on what it will allow to be eval
Still, it's very unwieldy to have the user type out something, properly quoted, that looks like a python dictionary on the command line. And, you'd have to do some checking after the fact to make sure they passed in a dictionary instead of something else eval-able, and had the right keys in it. Much easier to use if:
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--image-name", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--void-color", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--zero-color", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--full-color", required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
image = {
"name": args.image_name,
"voids": args.void_color,
"0%": args.zero_color,
"100%": args.full_color
print image
% python MYSCRIPT.py --image-name img.png --void-color \#00ff00ff --zero-color \#ff00ff00 --full-color \#f80654ff
{'100%': '#f80654ff', 'voids': '#00ff00ff', 'name': 'img.png', '0%': '#ff00ff00'}
For completeness, and similarly to json.loads, you could use yaml.load (available from PyYAML in PyPI). This has the advantage over json in that there is no need to quote individual keys and values on the command line unless you are trying to, say, force integers into strings or otherwise overcome yaml conversion semantics. But obviously the whole string will need quoting as it contains spaces!
>>> import argparse
>>> import yaml
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
>>> parser.add_argument('-fna', '--filename-arguments', type=yaml.load)
>>> data = "{location: warehouse A, site: Gloucester Business Village}"
>>> ans = parser.parse_args(['-fna', data])
>>> print ans.filename_arguments['site']
Gloucester Business Village
Although admittedly in the question given, many of the keys and values would have to be quoted or rephrased to prevent yaml from barfing. Using the following data seems to work quite nicely, if you need numeric rather than string values:
>>> parser.add_argument('-i', '--image', type=yaml.load)
>>> data = "{name: img.png, voids: 0x00ff00ff, '0%': 0xff00ff00, '100%': 0xf80654ff}"
>>> ans = parser.parse_args(['-i', data])
>>> print ans.image
{'100%': 4161164543L, 'voids': 16711935, 'name': 'img.png', '0%': 4278255360L}
I’ll bet your shell is messing with the braces, since curly braces are the syntax used for brace expansion features in many shells (see here).
Passing in a complex container such as a dictionary, requiring the user to know Python syntax, seems a bad design choice in a command line interface. Instead, I’d recommend just passing options in one-by-one in the CLI within an argument group, and then build the dict programmatically from the parsed group.
Necroing this: json.loads
works here, too. It doesn't seem too dirty.
import json
import argparse
test = '{"name": "img.png","voids": "#00ff00ff","0": "#ff00ff00","100%": "#f80654ff"}'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=json.loads)
args = parser.parse_args(['-i', test])
{u'0': u'#ff00ff00', u'100%': u'#f80654ff', u'voids': u'#00ff00ff', u'name': u'img.png'}
General Advice: DO NOT USE eval.
If you really have to ... "eval" is dangerous. Use it if you are sure no one will knowingly input malicious input. Even then there can be disadvantages. I have covered one bad example.
Using eval instead of json.loads has some advantages as well though. A dict doesn't really need to be a valid json. Hence, eval can be pretty lenient in accepting "dictionaries". We can take care of the "danger" part by making sure that final result is indeed a python dictionary.
import json
import argparse
tests = [
'{"name": "img.png","voids": "#00ff00ff","0": "#ff00ff00","100%": "#f80654ff"}',
'{"a": 1}',
"{'$abc': '$123'}",
'{"a": "a" "b"}' # Bad dictionary but still accepted by eval
def eval_json(x):
dicti = eval(x)
assert isinstance(dicti, dict)
return dicti
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=eval_json)
for test in tests:
args = parser.parse_args(['-i', test])
Namespace(input={'name': 'img.png', '0': '#ff00ff00', '100%': '#f80654ff', 'voids': '#00ff00ff'})
Namespace(input={'a': 1})
Namespace(input={'b': 1})
Namespace(input={'$abc': '$123'})
Namespace(input={'a': 'ab'})