I\'ve recently updated to OSX Sierra (from El Capitan) and to Xcode 9. I removed all compatibility issues (like autolayout issues) and would like to commit to my local gitre
The solution is to add changes once with a git command. Use terminal and navigate to Xcode project folder. If you are in the right folder, this command:
ls -al
will list a .git folder. Then you know you're at the right place. Then execute
git commit -a -m "Commit title here"
After that commit via Xcode should work again.
For me, the Preferences> Source Control > Git > Ignored Files had the Watchkit Extension Complications Controller. Removing it from Ignored Files fixed the problem. Xcode 10.1, Watch OS 4.2.
If you cant change the git name in Xcode, you can change username and email using the terminal:
xcrun git config --global user.name 'new_user_name'
xcrun git config --global user.email 'new@email.com'
And restart Xcode.
the problem that I had was whenever I tried to create source control it show Couldn’t communicate with a helper application. so in Xcode preferences I go to accounts and there I see I was logged out I signed in again and save the project, after closing the project and force quitting Xcode I opened it again and now it works fine for me
For me I had to populate Full Name and Email address in Preferences > Source Control > GIT (tab). They were blank.