How can someone validate that a specific element exists in an XML file? Say I have an ever changing XML file and I need to verify every element exists before reading/parsing
Not sure what you're wanting to do but using a DTD or schema might be all you need to validate the xml.
Otherwise, if you want to find an element you could use an xpath query to search for a particular element.
How about trying this:
using (XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(xmlPath))
while (reader.Read())
if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
//do your code here
A little bit late, but if it helps, this works for me...
XmlNodeList NodoEstudios = DocumentoXML.SelectNodes("//ALUMNOS/ALUMNO[@id=\"" + Id + "\"]/estudios");
string Proyecto = "";
foreach(XmlElement ElementoProyecto in NodoEstudios)
XmlNodeList EleProyecto = ElementoProyecto.GetElementsByTagName("proyecto");
Proyecto = (EleProyecto[0] == null)?"": EleProyecto[0].InnerText;
Should do it (where doc is your XmlDocument object, obviously)
Alternatively you could use an XSD and validate against that
//Check xml element value if exists using XmlReader
using (XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader("XMLSTRING")))
if (xmlReader.ReadToFollowing("XMLNODE"))
string nodeValue = xmlReader.ReadElementString("XMLNODE");
Just came across the same problem and the null-coalescing operator with SelectSingleNode worked a treat, assigning null with string.Empty
foreach (XmlNode txElement in txElements)
var txStatus = txElement.SelectSingleNode(".//ns:TxSts", nsmgr).InnerText ?? string.Empty;
var endToEndId = txElement.SelectSingleNode(".//ns:OrgnlEndToEndId", nsmgr).InnerText ?? string.Empty;
var paymentAmount = txElement.SelectSingleNode(".//ns:InstdAmt", nsmgr).InnerText ?? string.Empty;
var paymentAmountCcy = txElement.SelectSingleNode(".//ns:InstdAmt", nsmgr).Attributes["Ccy"].Value ?? string.Empty;
var clientId = txElement.SelectSingleNode(".//ns:OrgnlEndToEndId", nsmgr).InnerText ?? string.Empty;
var bankSortCode = txElement.SelectSingleNode(".//ns:OrgnlEndToEndId", nsmgr).InnerText ?? string.Empty;
//TODO finish Object creation and Upsert DB