I have this problem. When I hide my main form, then the taskbar icon of my application is also hidden. I saw a new question about this problem as well and the answers didn\'
You can change main form. Do a variable F: ^TForm, then set it to @Application.MainForm. After that you can set main form as via F^ := YourAnotherForm.
I've had an additional issue working with Delphi XE2 MDI apps that are also COM servers. My main form Main calls a secondary form MenuForm which contains shared icons and popup menus for the whole app.
In my example, the app works perfectly when run standalone.
Main gets created, and then creates a MenuForm at the end of FormCreate. All good.
But when called from a COM server, Main.FormCreate is called first, but somehow MenuForm gets assigned to Application.MainForm. There is a race condition in the underlying RTL. This causes havoc when trying to create the first SDI child, as Application.MainForm is not MDI.
I tried working around this by Main.FormCreate posting a message back to itself, to delay creation of MenuForm until after Main.FormCreate has returned.
But there is still a race condition here - MenuForm was still assigned to Application.MainForm.
I was eventually able to work around this using code to poll Application.MainForm every 10ms, with a maximum of 10 seconds. I also had to remove any reference in Main to MenuForm's icon list (in the .dfm) until after MenuForm was created explicitly - otherwise MenuForm would get created implicitly at the end of MainForm.create.
Hope this helps someone!
TmainForm = class(TForm)
procedure afterCreate(var Message: TMessage); message CM_INITIAL_EVENT;
procedure TmainForm.FormCreate(Sender : TObject);
...standard init code
postmessage( handle, CM_INITIAL_EVENT, 0, 0 );
procedure TmainForm.AfterCreate(var Message: TMessage);
i: Integer;
//must assign these AFTER menuform has been created
if menuForm = nil then
//wait for mainform to get assigned
//wait up to 10*1000ms = 10 seconds
for i := 0 to 1000 do
if Application.Mainform = self then break;
Application.CreateForm(TmenuForm, menuForm);
menuForm.parent := self;
//NOW we can assign the icons
Linktothisfilterfile1.SubMenuImages := menuForm.treeIconList;
ActionManager.Images := menuForm.treeIconList;
allFilters.Images := menuForm.treeIconList;
MainMenu.Images := menuForm.treeIconList;