I have a web client and a EJB project, which I created with Eclipse 3.4. When I want to deploy it on Jboss 5.0.1, I receive the error below. I searched a lot but I wasn\'t a
Helpful http://community.jboss.org/message/205738
I've seen this when FTP'ing a file with transfer mode set to ASCII instead of binary.
Well, I'm facing the same problem for three days.. look at your classpath for files with .rar extentions or another type of these files, in my case, I remove a .rar file from my classpath and everthing works great.
I've seen nested jars do this too (jar within another jar, or an empty jar). In my case it was a microsoft sql jdbc driver jar. The OP's seems to be TwitterPoCEJB.jar, by looking at the stack trace.
There are a lot of things that can cause this though, as mentioned previously simply a bad zip, etc..
If it is a nested jar problem, you can tell the VFS what locations contain nested jars, although by default the ./deploy directory is one of them, so anything in there should be fine (unless you've got a jboss-{something}.xml explicitly configuring things otherwise).
We fixed this issue by updating from jdk1.6.0._06 to jdk1.6.0._26. The jar was packed with _26 and deployed fine there in JBoss 6.0. However, our customer could not deploy with _06. Hope that helps!
I had the same error when deploying a war, for me it was a problem related to the extraction of wildfly archive using 'z' option in tar, I typed
tar -xvzf wildfly_v_.tar.gz
then I removed and reinstalled all but this time with
tar -xvf wildfly_v_.tar.gz
after configuration I deployed and the problem disappeared - I think it was an issue related to gzip