I\'m writing a LINQ to SQL statement, and I\'m after the standard syntax for a normal inner join with an ON
clause in C#.
How do you represent the follo
Actually, often it is better not to join, in linq that is. When there are navigation properties a very succinct way to write your linq statement is:
from dealer in db.Dealers
from contact in dealer.DealerContacts
select new { whatever you need from dealer or contact }
It translates to a where clause:
SELECT <columns>
FROM Dealer, DealerContact
WHERE Dealer.DealerID = DealerContact.DealerID
Use LINQ joins to perform Inner Join.
var employeeInfo = from emp in db.Employees
join dept in db.Departments
on emp.Eid equals dept.Eid
select new
var list = (from u in db.Users join c in db.Customers on u.CustomerId equals c.CustomerId where u.Username == username
select new {u.UserId, u.CustomerId, u.ClientId, u.RoleId, u.Username, u.Email, u.Password, u.Salt, u.Hint1, u.Hint2, u.Hint3, u.Locked, u.Active,c.ProfilePic}).First();
Write table names you want, and initialize the select to get the result of fields.
Inner join two tables in linq C#
var result = from q1 in table1
join q2 in table2
on q1.Customer_Id equals q2.Customer_Id
select new { q1.Name, q1.Mobile, q2.Purchase, q2.Dates }
var results = from c in db.Companies
join cn in db.Countries on c.CountryID equals cn.ID
join ct in db.Cities on c.CityID equals ct.ID
join sect in db.Sectors on c.SectorID equals sect.ID
where (c.CountryID == cn.ID) && (c.CityID == ct.ID) && (c.SectorID == company.SectorID) && (company.SectorID == sect.ID)
select new { country = cn.Name, city = ct.Name, c.ID, c.Name, c.Address1, c.Address2, c.Address3, c.CountryID, c.CityID, c.Region, c.PostCode, c.Telephone, c.Website, c.SectorID, Status = (ContactStatus)c.StatusID, sector = sect.Name };
return results.ToList();
Try this :
var data =(from t1 in dataContext.Table1 join
t2 in dataContext.Table2 on
t1.field equals t2.field
orderby t1.Id select t1).ToList();