I\'ve seen many questions on getting all the possible substrings (i.e., adjacent sets of characters), but none on generating all possible strings including the combinations
def return_substrings(s):
all_sub = set()
recent = {s}
while recent:
tmp = set()
for word in recent:
for i in range(len(word)):
tmp.add(word[:i] + word[i + 1:])
recent = tmp
return all_sub
This is a fun exercise. I think other answers may use itertools.product or itertools.combinations. But just for fun, you can also do this recursively with something like
def subs(string, ret=['']):
if len(string) == 0:
return ret
head, tail = string[0], string[1:]
ret = ret + list(map(lambda x: x+head, ret))
return subs(tail, ret)
# returns ['', 'a', 'b', 'ab', 'c', 'ac', 'bc', 'abc']
You can do this easily using itertools.combinations
>>> from itertools import combinations
>>> x = 'abc'
>>> [''.join(l) for i in range(len(x)) for l in combinations(x, i+1)]
['a', 'b', 'c', 'ab', 'ac', 'bc', 'abc']
If you want it in the reversed order, you can make the range
function return its sequence in reversed order
>>> [''.join(l) for i in range(len(x),0,-1) for l in combinations(x, i)]
['abc', 'ab', 'ac', 'bc', 'a', 'b', 'c']
@Sunitha answer provided the right tool to use. I will just go and suggest an improved way while using your return_substrings
method. Basically, my solution will take care of duplicates.
I will use "ABCA"
in order to prove validity of my solution. Note that it would include a duplicate 'A'
in the returned list of the accepted answer.
Python 3.7+ solution,
x= "ABCA"
def return_substrings(x):
all_combnations = [''.join(l) for i in range(len(x)) for l in combinations(x, i+1)]
return list(reversed(list(dict.fromkeys(all_combnations))))
# return list(dict.fromkeys(all_combnations)) for none-reversed ordering
>>>>['ABCA', 'BCA', 'ACA', 'ABA', 'ABC', 'CA', 'BA', 'BC', 'AA', 'AC', 'AB', 'C', 'B', 'A']
Python 2.7 solution,
You'll have to use OrderedDict instead of a normal dict
. Therefore,
return list(reversed(list(dict.fromkeys(all_combnations))))
return list(reversed(list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(all_combnations))))
Order is irrelevant for you ?
You can reduce code complexity if order is not relevant,
x= "ABCA"
def return_substrings(x):
all_combnations = [''.join(l) for i in range(len(x)) for l in combinations(x, i+1)]
return list(set(all_combnations))