You can try our (commercial) Rebex Secure Mail library. It can read Outlooks MSG format. Following code shows how:
// Load message
MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
// show From, To and Sent date
Console.WriteLine("From: {0}", message.From);
Console.WriteLine("To: {0}", message.To);
Console.WriteLine("Sent: {0}", message.Date.LocalTime);
// find and try to parse the first 'Received' header
MailDateTime receivedDate = null;
string received = message.Headers.GetRaw("Received");
if (received != null)
int lastSemicolon = received.LastIndexOf(';');
if (lastSemicolon >= 0)
string rawDate = received.Substring(lastSemicolon + 1);
MimeHeader header = new MimeHeader("Date", rawDate);
receivedDate = header.Value as MailDateTime;
// display the received date if available
if (receivedDate != null)
Console.WriteLine("Received: {0}", receivedDate.LocalTime);
More info on Sent and Received dates and how are they represented in the message can be found at