Read a file one line at a time in node.js?

前端 未结 29 998
深忆病人 2020-11-22 04:33

I am trying to read a large file one line at a time. I found a question on Quora that dealt with the subject but I\'m missing some connections to make the whole thing fit to

  • 2020-11-22 05:10
    const fs = require("fs")
    fs.readFile('./file', 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
    var innerContent;
        console.log("Asynchronous read: " + data.toString());
        const lines = data.toString().split('\n')
        for (let line of lines)
            innerContent += line + '<br>';
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 05:11

    Old topic, but this works:

    var rl = readline.createInterface({
          input : fs.createReadStream('/path/file.txt'),
          output: process.stdout,
          terminal: false
         console.log(line) //or parse line

    Simple. No need for an external module.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 05:11

    i use this:

    function emitLines(stream, re){
        re = re && /\n/;
        var buffer = '';
        stream.on('data', stream_data);
        stream.on('end', stream_end);
        function stream_data(data){
            buffer += data;
        function stream_end(){
            if(buffer) stream.emmit('line', buffer);
        function flush(){
            var re = /\n/;
            var match;
            while(match = re.exec(buffer)){
                var index = match.index + match[0].length;
                stream.emit('line', buffer.substring(0, index));
                buffer = buffer.substring(index);
                re.lastIndex = 0;

    use this function on a stream and listen to the line events that is will emit.


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  • 2020-11-22 05:13

    You don't have to open the file, but instead, you have to create a ReadStream.


    Then pass that stream to Lazy

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  • 2020-11-22 05:13

    I wanted to tackle this same problem, basically what in Perl would be:

    while (<>) {

    My use case was just a standalone script, not a server, so synchronous was fine. These were my criteria:

    • The minimal synchronous code that could reuse in many projects.
    • No limits on file size or number of lines.
    • No limits on length of lines.
    • Able to handle full Unicode in UTF-8, including characters beyond the BMP.
    • Able to handle *nix and Windows line endings (old-style Mac not needed for me).
    • Line endings character(s) to be included in lines.
    • Able to handle last line with or without end-of-line characters.
    • Not use any external libraries not included in the node.js distribution.

    This is a project for me to get a feel for low-level scripting type code in node.js and decide how viable it is as a replacement for other scripting languages like Perl.

    After a surprising amount of effort and a couple of false starts this is the code I came up with. It's pretty fast but less trivial than I would've expected: (fork it on GitHub)

    var fs            = require('fs'),
        StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder,
        util          = require('util');
    function lineByLine(fd) {
      var blob = '';
      var blobStart = 0;
      var blobEnd = 0;
      var decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8');
      var CHUNK_SIZE = 16384;
      var chunk = new Buffer(CHUNK_SIZE);
      var eolPos = -1;
      var lastChunk = false;
      var moreLines = true;
      var readMore = true;
      // each line
      while (moreLines) {
        readMore = true;
        // append more chunks from the file onto the end of our blob of text until we have an EOL or EOF
        while (readMore) {
          // do we have a whole line? (with LF)
          eolPos = blob.indexOf('\n', blobStart);
          if (eolPos !== -1) {
            blobEnd = eolPos;
            readMore = false;
          // do we have the last line? (no LF)
          } else if (lastChunk) {
            blobEnd = blob.length;
            readMore = false;
          // otherwise read more
          } else {
            var bytesRead = fs.readSync(fd, chunk, 0, CHUNK_SIZE, null);
            lastChunk = bytesRead !== CHUNK_SIZE;
            blob += decoder.write(chunk.slice(0, bytesRead));
        if (blobStart < blob.length) {
          processLine(blob.substring(blobStart, blobEnd + 1));
          blobStart = blobEnd + 1;
          if (blobStart >= CHUNK_SIZE) {
            // blobStart is in characters, CHUNK_SIZE is in octets
            var freeable = blobStart / CHUNK_SIZE;
            // keep blob from growing indefinitely, not as deterministic as I'd like
            blob = blob.substring(CHUNK_SIZE);
            blobStart -= CHUNK_SIZE;
            blobEnd -= CHUNK_SIZE;
        } else {
          moreLines = false;

    It could probably be cleaned up further, it was the result of trial and error.

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