In a Bash script I would like to split a line into pieces and store them in an array.
The line:
Paris, France, Europe
I would like
Try this
IFS=', '; array=(Paris, France, Europe)
for item in ${array[@]}; do echo $item; done
It's simple. If you want, you can also add a declare (and also remove the commas):
IFS=' ';declare -a array=(Paris France Europe)
The IFS is added to undo the above but it works without it in a fresh bash instance
a=($(echo "$t" | tr ',' '\n'))
echo "${a[2]}"
Prints three
I came across this post when looking to parse an input like: word1,word2,...
none of the above helped me. solved it by using awk. If it helps someone:
array=`echo $STRING | awk -F ',' '{ s = $1; for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) s = s "\n"$i; print s; }'`
for word in ${array}
echo "This is the word $word"
Pure bash multi-character delimiter solution.
As others have pointed out in this thread, the OP's question gave an example of a comma delimited string to be parsed into an array, but did not indicate if he/she was only interested in comma delimiters, single character delimiters, or multi-character delimiters.
Since Google tends to rank this answer at or near the top of search results, I wanted to provide readers with a strong answer to the question of multiple character delimiters, since that is also mentioned in at least one response.
If you're in search of a solution to a multi-character delimiter problem, I suggest reviewing Mallikarjun M's post, in particular the response from gniourf_gniourf who provides this elegant pure BASH solution using parameter expansion:
while [[ $s ]]; do
array+=( "${s%%"$delimiter"*}" );
declare -p array
Link to cited comment/referenced post
Link to cited question: Howto split a string on a multi-character delimiter in bash?
The accepted answer works for values in one line.
If the variable has several lines:
string='first line
second line
third line'
We need a very different command to get all lines:
while read -r line; do lines+=("$line"); done <<<"$string"
Or the much simpler bash readarray:
readarray -t lines <<<"$string"
Printing all lines is very easy taking advantage of a printf feature:
printf ">[%s]\n" "${lines[@]}"
>[first line]
>[ second line]
>[ third line]
This is similar to the approach by Jmoney38, but using sed:
array=(`echo $string | sed 's/,/\n/g'`)
echo ${array[0]}
Prints 1