I have the following code, and I\'m kind of stuck on what to do next. The idea is when you enter text into a text area a counter tells you how many characters you have left.
All of these answers are a bit odd in that they try to do a little too much. A simpler and visually more pleasing way (because it shows the text quickly being cut off) - and with with less oddities that the previous example (note how it overwrites the final key?) - is to simply cut off the number of characters on keyUp to the number that's allowed.
var maxchars = 400;
$('body').on('keyup paste', 'textarea', function () {
$(this).val($(this).val().substring(0, maxchars));
var tlength = $(this).val().length;
remain = maxchars - parseInt(tlength);
Note that this then also works for pasting in text, as some of the examples above don't.
Example here: http://jsfiddle.net/PzESw/5/
A simple way to do this is to set the text in the textarea to a substring of the full amount. You can find an example here:
I know this is a little late, but I just had to figure this out, too. I had to get it to work with UTF8 byte-lengths, and allow certain keypresses. Here's what I came up with:
checkContent = function (event) {
var allowedKeys = [8,46,35,36,37,38,39,40];
var contentLength = lengthInUtf8Bytes(jQuery(event.currentTarget).val());
var charLength = lengthInUtf8Bytes(String.fromCharCode(event.charCode));
if (charLength + contentLength > 20) {
if(jQuery.inArray(event.keyCode, allowedKeys) == -1) {
countLength = function(event) {
var len = lengthInUtf8Bytes(jQuery(event.currentTarget).val());
lengthInUtf8Bytes = function(str) {
var m = encodeURIComponent(str).match(/%[89ABab]/g);
return str.length + (m ? m.length : 0);
You need to have a textarea with id #textarea and an element to display the current length with id #length.
The keypress event determines whether or not to allow the keypress. The keyup event counts the size of the data in the field after the keypress is allowed/prevented.
This code works with the following keys: home, end, pagedown, pageup, backspace, delete, up, down, left and right. It doesn't deal with pasting from the clipboard.
Hope someone finds it useful!
In 2020 in most browsers limiting characters in textarea is supported by one helpful attribute maxlength check at w3chools
Try this. Even works for copy paste from Keyboard:
var val = $(this).val();
var maxLength = 1000;
$('#comments').val((val).substring(0, maxLength));
$("#message-field").on("keyup paste", function() {
var $this, limit, val;
limit = 140;
$this = $(this);
val = $this.val();
$this.val(val.substring(0, limit));
return $('#character-remaining').text(limit - $this.val().length);