How do I edit Visual Studio's mouse shortcuts?

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鱼传尺愫 2020-12-03 04:45

Visual Studio used to execute the \"Naviagte Backward\" command whenever I hit the back thumb button on my mouse, but it has recently stopped doing that. How can I edit Visu

  • 2020-12-03 04:55

    I don't know if you already tried this, but it might be useful to you. I didn't try it though, so I don't know if it works well.

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  • 2020-12-03 04:57

    I have the same problem in VS 2012. The back button does work in IE.

    Even though I agree with your feelings towards mapping the mouse buttons, I'm going to try this:

    "The trick is to install the IntelliPoint software that you can find at From that software you can assign a mouse click when a specific program is active, and map it to a key stroke. Set VS as the program, the keystroke to Ctrl + - and Ctrl + Shift + - to the left and right mouse buttons. You will be able to use those buttons to navigate back and forth through your open files."

    EDIT: Alas, it does not work with my Trust MaxTrack and there is no equivalent software (to my knowledge).

    I did get to assign 'Cancel Build' to the 'Calculator' key.

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  • 2020-12-03 05:04

    In Visual Studio 2017 15.04 a new option was added to allow the Ctrl-Click go to definition functionality provided by the Productivity Tools. When I disabled it, my mouse back button once again started working as "navigate backward". The option is here:

    Tools > Options > Text Editor > General > Enable mouse click to perform Go To Definition

    Source: Visual Studio Release Notes

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  • 2020-12-03 05:08

    From my topic.

    Plugin that attaches Navigate back/forward to the mouse buttons: Mouse Navigation The last version (2.2.0) is working fine.

    Some clarifying:
    Visual Studio (2012) separates the normal navigation from "click to go" navigation.
    Normal navigation: mouse click anywhere in code editor, tab change also.

    Click to go navigation: Go to definition, search result click. It is controlled by the buttons named: "Browse Back / Next" "Previous/Next Definition, Declaration or Reference". You can find it in the View custom toolbar.

    The default VS mouse back/forward buttons are attached to the "Browse Back / Next" buttons, not to the Navigate back/forward.

    The VS plugin Mouse Navigation sets the mouse buttons to the Navigate back/forward. The only remaining problem is that because VS doesn't consider "click to go" as normal navigation, when you click to go to a definition and try to go back using the Ctrl+- or mouse back, you will not return to the last position, but to the previous "Normal navigation" position.
    My suggestion to the plugin developer is to try to make VS consider "click to go" navigation as normal ones, completely solving this issue.

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  • 2020-12-03 05:10

    Visual Studio 2010 simply lacks support for this in C++, Visual Basic and F#

    Using an Add-in is an option? here is one: Forward/Backward Code Navigation with the Mouse Thumb Buttons Inside Visual Studio 2010 (C++, Visual Basic, F#)

    I think it's the simplest workaround for this problem.

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  • 2020-12-03 05:10

    UAC is the reason...

    from Windows Integrity Mechanism Design - User Interface Privilege Isolation (UIPI) and integrity

    User Interface Privilege Isolation (UIPI) implements restrictions in the windows subsystem that prevents lower-privilege applications from sending window messages or installing hooks in higher-privilege processes. Higher-privilege applications are permitted to send window messages to lower-privilege processes. The restrictions are implemented in the SendMessage and related window message functions. Not all window messages that are sent from a lower-privilege process to a higher-privilege process are blocked. Generally, “read” type messages, for example WM_GETTEXT, can be sent from a lower-privilege to a higher-privilege window. However, write type messages, such as WM_SETTEXT, are blocked.

    and I don't know about any solution, since elevating the driver process is not a solution.

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