I have a pipe that returns a html string, however the string outputs escaped presumably as a default for security. I\'m sure there must be an option to allow html instead bu
So thanks for replies.
Using the outerHTML binding suggested by @alexpods worked a treat. Didn't need to change my pipe at all.
So what I was doing before:
{{'TEXT' | hn: 'h2.whatever'}}
which resulted in the correct html but escaped ie.
<h2 class="whatever">TEXT</h2>
Works great as: <span [outerHTML]="'TEXT' | hn:'h2.whatever'"></span>
which outputs: <h2 class="whatever">TEXT</h2>
Use bindings to innerHTML or outerHTML to render already escaped html. For example <span [innerHTML]="someString | toHtmlPipe"></span>
. See this plunk:
name: 'wrapBold'
class WrapBold {
transform(content) {
return `<b>${content}</b>`;
selector: 'my-app',
pipes: [WrapBold],
template: `
Hello <span [outerHTML]="content | wrapBold"></span>
export class App {
constructor() {
this.content = 'Angular2'
I don't know if that is possible with a pipe. (It is, see @alexpods's answer.)
Have you considered converting your pipe into a component with an input property? I.e., whatever is feeding your pipe, make that an input property of the component. Put the HTML that the pipe generates into the component's template.