I\'m using basic RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager. I observed that nor smoothScrollToPosition nor scrollToPosition works properly.
a) when using smoothScrol
This extension is so useful, try please.
fun RecyclerView.smoothSnapToPosition(position: Int, snapMode: Int = LinearSmoothScroller.SNAP_TO_START) {
val smoothScroller = object : LinearSmoothScroller(this.context) {
override fun getVerticalSnapPreference(): Int = snapMode
override fun getHorizontalSnapPreference(): Int = snapMode
smoothScroller.targetPosition = position
recyclerView.getLayoutManager().smoothScrollToPosition(recyclerView,new RecyclerView.State(),currentPosition);
Another reason why any of the before mentioned solutions may not work is if your RecyclerView is embedded in a NestedScrollView. In this case you have to call the scroll action on the NestedScrollView.
for example:
If you are trying to do a quick scroll to a position at the top of the RecyclerView, just use LinearLayoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset with 0 as the offset.
mLinearLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this);
mLinearLayoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(myPosition, 0);
smoothScrollToPosition is very slow. If you want something fast go with scrollToPositionWithOffset.