I\'m using basic RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager. I observed that nor smoothScrollToPosition nor scrollToPosition works properly.
a) when using smoothScrol
Actually, if you have a RecyclerView inside a NestedScrollView, you must use both of these lines every time you want to go to the beginning of the RecyclerView:
nestedScrollView.smoothScrollTo(0, 0);
layoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(0, 0);
This completely works for me.
How to perform smooth scrolling and save RecyclerView
vertical position after device rotating:
This is the method that works for my case,
public class MainFragment extends Fragment { //OR activity it's //fragment in my case
public void onLoadFinished(@NonNull Loader<List<Report>> loader, List<Report> objects) { // or other method of your choice, in my case it's a Loader
RecyclerView recyclerViewRv = findViewById(........;
recyclerViewRv.setAdapter(.....Your adapter);
recyclerViewRv.addOnScrollListener(new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() {
public void onScrollStateChanged(@NonNull RecyclerView recyclerView, int newState) {
super.onScrollStateChanged(recyclerView, newState);
public void onScrolled(@NonNull RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) {
super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy);
recyclerScrollY = recyclerViewRv. computeVerticalScrollOffset();
//Apply smooth vertical scroll
//Save vertical scroll position before rotating devices
public void onSaveInstanceState(@NonNull Bundle outState) {
//BackUp vertical scroll position after rotating devices
public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if(savedInstanceState != null) {
recyclerScrollY = savedInstanceState.getInt("recyclerScrollY");
//If you want to perform the same operation for horizontal scrolling just add a variable called recyclerScrollX = recyclerScrollY = recyclerViewRv. computeHorizontalScrollOffset(); then save in bundle
this worked for me
(recyclerView.getLayoutManager() as LinearLayoutManager).scrollToPositionWithOffset( 0, 0)
}, 100)
To scroll down smoothly to bottom from any position in the RecyclerView on clicking EditText.
edittext.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
rv_commentList.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
rv_commentList.scrollToPosition(rv_commentList.getAdapter().getItemCount() - 1);
}, 1000);
I was facing a weird issue wherein smoothScrollToPosition
only worked occasionally.
After putting the smoothScrollToPosition inside Handler Post Delayed with 1 second delay, it worked fine.
Refer to the following Kotlin example:
recyclerViewObject.smoothScrollToPosition(0) // mention the position in place of 0
}, 1000) // 1000 indicates the 1 second delay.
Try measuring item width or height and call smoothScrollBy(int dx, int dy).