I\'ve seen discussions about this in the past, such as here. But I\'m wondering if somewhere along the line, maybe 10g or 11g (we are using 11g), ORACLE has introduced any b
There are TWO types of table-valued functions in SQL SERVER:
Inline table-valued function: For an inline table-valued function, there is no function body; the table is the result set of a single SELECT
statement. This type can be named as
'parameterized view' and it has no equivalent in ORACLE as I know.
Multistatement table-valued function: For a multistatement table-valued function, the function body, defined in a BEGIN...END
block, contains a series of Transact-SQL statements that build and insert rows into the table that will be returned.
The above sample (By Gary Myers) creates a table function of the second type and it is NOT a 'parameterized view'.
No need for SYS_CONTEXT or cursor definitions. You do need a type so that, when the SQL is parsed, it can determine which columns are going to be returned. That said, you can easily write a script that will generate type and collection type definitions for one or more tables based on the data in user_tab_columns.
The closest is
create table my_table
(prodid number, a varchar2(1), b varchar2(1),
c varchar2(1), d varchar2(1), e varchar2(1));
create type my_tab_type is object
(prodid number, a varchar2(1), b varchar2(1),
c varchar2(1), d varchar2(1), e varchar2(1))
create type my_tab_type_coll is table of my_tab_type;
create or replace function get_some_data (p_val in number)
return my_tab_type_coll pipelined is
FOR i in (select * from my_table where prodid=p_val) loop
pipe row(my_tab_type(i.prodid,i.a,i.b,i.c,i.d,i.e));
end loop;
SELECT * FROM table(get_Some_Data(3));
It is possible to define a kind of "parametrized" views in Oracle. The steps are:
To use this mechanism one user should:
data from the view,REMARK: it is essential for the user to do all the three steps in only one session as the package members scope is exactly a session.