I have written an NHibernateSessionFactory class which holds a static Nhibernate ISessionFactory. This is used to make sure we only have one session factory, and the first t
I solved this using a Mutex when creating the SessionFactory. Does this look reasonable:
public class NhibernateSessionFactory : INhibernateSessionFactory
private static ISessionFactory _sessionFactory;
private static Mutex _mutex = new Mutex(); // <-- Added
public ISession OpenSession()
if (_sessionFactory == null)
_mutex.WaitOne(); // <-- Added
if (_sessionFactory == null) // <-- Added
{ // <-- Added
var cfg = Fluently.Configure().
Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<MappingsPersistenceModel>());
_sessionFactory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory();
} // <-- Added
_mutex.ReleaseMutex(); // <-- Added
return _sessionFactory.OpenSession();
private static void BuildSchema(FluentConfiguration configuration)
var sessionSource = new SessionSource(configuration);
var session = sessionSource.CreateSession();
Seems to work like a charm. But should I use lock instead?
The sessionFactory
must be a thread-safe singleton.
A common pattern in Java is to build the sessionFactory
in a static initializer. See HibernateUtil. You can do the same in C#.
There are other patterns to implement singleton, including the usage of lock or synchronized sections. Here is slight variant that should solve your problem if I understood it correctly.
static readonly object factorylock = new object();
public ISession OpenSession()
lock (factorylock)
if (_sessionFactory == null)
var cfg = Fluently.Configure().
Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<MappingsPersistenceModel>());
_sessionFactory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory();
return _sessionFactory.OpenSession();