Recursion in Angular directives

前端 未结 9 1464
不思量自难忘° 2020-11-22 04:24

There are a couple of popular recursive angular directive Q&A\'s out there, which all come down to one of the following solutions:

  • manually incrementally \
  • 2020-11-22 04:51

    Manually adding elements and compiling them is definitely a perfect approach. If you use ng-repeat then you will not have to manually remove elements.


    .directive('tree', function ($compile) {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        terminal: true,
        scope: { val: '=', parentData:'=' },
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            var template = '<span>{{val.text}}</span>';
            template += '<button ng-click="deleteMe()" ng-show="val.text">delete</button>';
            if (angular.isArray(scope.val.items)) {
                template += '<ul class="indent"><li ng-repeat="item in val.items"><tree val="item" parent-data="val.items"></tree></li></ul>';
            scope.deleteMe = function(index) {
                if(scope.parentData) {
                    var itemIndex = scope.parentData.indexOf(scope.val);
                scope.val = {};
            var newElement = angular.element(template);
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  • 2020-11-22 04:53

    Inspired by the solutions described in the thread mentioned by @dnc253, I abstracted the recursion functionality into a service.

    module.factory('RecursionHelper', ['$compile', function($compile){
        return {
             * Manually compiles the element, fixing the recursion loop.
             * @param element
             * @param [link] A post-link function, or an object with function(s) registered via pre and post properties.
             * @returns An object containing the linking functions.
            compile: function(element, link){
                // Normalize the link parameter
                    link = { post: link };
                // Break the recursion loop by removing the contents
                var contents = element.contents().remove();
                var compiledContents;
                return {
                    pre: (link && link.pre) ? link.pre : null,
                     * Compiles and re-adds the contents
                    post: function(scope, element){
                        // Compile the contents
                            compiledContents = $compile(contents);
                        // Re-add the compiled contents to the element
                        compiledContents(scope, function(clone){
                        // Call the post-linking function, if any
                        if(link &&{
                  , arguments);

    Which is used as follows:

    module.directive("tree", ["RecursionHelper", function(RecursionHelper) {
        return {
            restrict: "E",
            scope: {family: '='},
                '<p>{{ }}</p>'+
                '<ul>' + 
                    '<li ng-repeat="child in family.children">' + 
                        '<tree family="child"></tree>' +
                    '</li>' +
            compile: function(element) {
                // Use the compile function from the RecursionHelper,
                // And return the linking function(s) which it returns
                return RecursionHelper.compile(element);

    See this Plunker for a demo. I like this solution best because:

    1. You don't need an special directive which makes your html less clean.
    2. The recursion logic is abstracted away into the RecursionHelper service, so you keep your directives clean.

    Update: As of Angular 1.5.x, no more tricks are required, but works only with template, not with templateUrl

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  • 2020-11-22 04:54

    You can use angular-recursion-injector for that:

    Allows you to do unlimited depth nesting with conditioning. Does recompilation only if needed and compiles only right elements. No magic in code.

    <div class="node">
      <node--recursion recursion-if="subNode" ng-model="subNode"></node--recursion>

    One of the things that allows it to work faster and simpler then the other solutions is "--recursion" suffix.

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