I tried the following code:
nc <- st_read(system.file(\"shape/nc.shp\", package = \"sf\"))
Classes ‘
You can use the plotting method from the sf
package to do this. You'll need to specify the coordinate reference system, which we will need to assume (and it looks like correctly so) is 3857.
nc_shp <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"))
nc_map <- get_map("north carolina", maptype = "satellite", zoom = 6, source = "google")
# Coordinate Reference System: NA
# assume the coordinate refence system is 3857
plot(st_transform(nc_shp, crs = 3857)[1], bgMap = nc_map)
I've struggled with this myself, and with the help of this post I've come up with a solution. The bounding box of the ggmap object is in WGS84 (EPSG:4326), but the actual raster is in EPSG:3857. You have to hack the bounding box of the ggmap object to be in the same CRS as the underlying data:
#> Linking to GEOS 3.6.2, GDAL 2.3.0, proj.4 5.1.0
nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"), quiet = TRUE)
# Transform nc to EPSG 3857 (Pseudo-Mercator, what Google uses)
nc_3857 <- st_transform(nc, 3857)
map <- get_map("north carolina", maptype = "satellite", zoom = 6, source = "google")
# Define a function to fix the bbox to be in EPSG:3857
ggmap_bbox <- function(map) {
if (!inherits(map, "ggmap")) stop("map must be a ggmap object")
# Extract the bounding box (in lat/lon) from the ggmap to a numeric vector,
# and set the names to what sf::st_bbox expects:
map_bbox <- setNames(unlist(attr(map, "bb")),
c("ymin", "xmin", "ymax", "xmax"))
# Coonvert the bbox to an sf polygon, transform it to 3857,
# and convert back to a bbox (convoluted, but it works)
bbox_3857 <- st_bbox(st_transform(st_as_sfc(st_bbox(map_bbox, crs = 4326)), 3857))
# Overwrite the bbox of the ggmap object with the transformed coordinates
attr(map, "bb")$ll.lat <- bbox_3857["ymin"]
attr(map, "bb")$ll.lon <- bbox_3857["xmin"]
attr(map, "bb")$ur.lat <- bbox_3857["ymax"]
attr(map, "bb")$ur.lon <- bbox_3857["xmax"]
# Use the function:
map <- ggmap_bbox(map)
ggmap(map) +
coord_sf(crs = st_crs(3857)) + # force the ggplot2 map to be in 3857
geom_sf(data = nc_3857, aes(fill = AREA), inherit.aes = FALSE)
Created on 2018-06-13 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).