I\'ve gotten our stack converted to Rails 4 (yea!)
and I\'m looking to take advantage of the thread-safe code.
Puma works in getting up, stopping it appears
Trinidad is nice. A very powerful server for jRuby development:
Here are some good benchmarks (the Trini server beats puma):
A nice Trinidad Server setup tutorial:
No. In alphabetical order:
or by setting threaded: true
in the appropriate configuration file (e.g. bundle exec thin start --threaded
)Note that currently MRI Ruby runs only one thread runs at a time due to its global interpreter lock (GIL). You'll only be truly able to exploit multithreading by using a different Ruby runtime such as JRuby or Rubinius, which provide access to native threads. If you decide to go with JRuby, there are several JVM-dependent servers worth exploring.