Although it was designed for .NET web-testing, I've been using the WatiN framework for this purpose. Since it is DOM-based, it is pretty easy to capture HTML, text, or images. Recentely, I used it to dump a list of links from a MediaWiki All Pages namespace query into an Excel spreadsheet. The following VB.NET code fragement is pretty crude, but it works.
Sub GetLinks(ByVal PagesIE As IE, ByVal MyWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet)
Dim PagesLink As Link
For Each PagesLink In PagesIE.TableBodies(2).Links
With MyWorkSheet
.Cells(XLRowCounterInt, 1) = PagesLink.Text
.Cells(XLRowCounterInt, 2) = PagesLink.Url
End With
XLRowCounterInt = XLRowCounterInt + 1
End Sub