I want to preface this by saying I\'m completely new to mobile development, Xamarin, C#, .Net.
I\'m working on creating a mobile app using Xamarain Forms and have ru
Maybe that could help someone.
I had a problem: there was a ContentPage with scrollview and grid in it. All I need to do is to handle swipe left/right gestures. After searching through google/stackoverflow/github, I found a Nuget package called XamarinFormsGestures. That helped me a lot. All the instruction is inside the link. There is my code:
new Command(() => { OnLeftSwipe(); })); // What's going on when left swiped.
new Command(() => { OnRightSwipe(); })); // What's going on when right swiped.
You can always have a look at this simple demo. And use it as follows:
GestureFrame gi = new GestureFrame
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("bf3122"),
gi.SwipeDown += (s, e) =>
DisplayAlert("Gesture Info", "Swipe Down Detected", "OK");
ViewModel.SampleCommand.Execute("Swipe Down Detected");
gi.SwipeTop += (s, e) =>
DisplayAlert("Gesture Info", "Swipe Top Detected", "OK");
ViewModel.SampleCommand.Execute("Swipe Top Detected");
gi.SwipeLeft += (s, e) =>
DisplayAlert("Gesture Info", "Swipe Left Detected", "OK");
ViewModel.SampleCommand.Execute("Swipe Left Detected");
gi.SwipeRight += (s, e) =>
DisplayAlert("Gesture Info", "Swipe Right Detected", "OK");
ViewModel.SampleCommand.Execute("Swipe Right Detected");
this.Content = gi;
If you're comfortable with paying for a third-party library (and you're using Xamarin Forms, so that's a good possibility), MR.Gestures supports all touch gestures on all Xamarin.Forms Views. I've used it successfully and been really happy with it. It costs a very reasonable €10 and has excellent documentation.
If you're one of the many people who are disappointed that touch gestures aren't supported in Xamarin Forms, consider voting for this suggestion at UserVoice.
SwipeView is available in Xamarin.Forms 4.4.
The SwipeView class also defines four events:
SwipeStarted is fired when a swipe starts. The SwipeStartedEventArgs object that accompanies this event has a SwipeDirection property, of type SwipeDirection.
SwipeChanging is fired as the swipe moves. The SwipeChangingEventArgs object that accompanies this event has a SwipeDirection property, of type SwipeDirection, and an Offset property of type double.
SwipeEnded is fired when a swipe ends. The SwipeEndedEventArgs object that accompanies this event has a SwipeDirection property, of type SwipeDirection.
CloseRequested is fired when the swipe items are closed. In addition, SwipeView defines a Close method, which closes the swipe items.
For more information about some new Xamarin Forms features visit this link.
Building off of @Ranjith Kumar's solution, I came up with the following:
public delegate void SwipedEventHandler(ISwipeListener sender, SwipedEventArgs e);
public class SwipedEventArgs : EventArgs
readonly double _x;
public double X => _x;
readonly double _y;
public double Y => _y;
readonly View _view;
public View View => _view;
public SwipedEventArgs(View view, double x, double y)
_view = view;
_x = x;
_y = y;
public interface ISwipeListener
event SwipedEventHandler SwipedDown;
event SwipedEventHandler SwipedLeft;
event SwipedEventHandler SwipedNothing;
event SwipedEventHandler SwipedRight;
event SwipedEventHandler SwipedUp;
double TotalX
double TotalY
public class SwipeListener : PanGestureRecognizer, ISwipeListener
public event SwipedEventHandler SwipedDown;
public event SwipedEventHandler SwipedLeft;
public event SwipedEventHandler SwipedNothing;
public event SwipedEventHandler SwipedRight;
public event SwipedEventHandler SwipedUp;
double _totalX = 0, _totalY = 0;
public double TotalX => _totalX;
public double TotalY => _totalY;
readonly View _view;
public SwipeListener(View view) : base()
_view = view;
PanUpdated += OnPanUpdated;
void OnPanUpdated(object sender, PanUpdatedEventArgs e)
switch (e.StatusType)
case GestureStatus.Running:
_totalX = e.TotalX;
_totalY = e.TotalY;
catch (Exception exception)
case GestureStatus.Completed:
if (_totalX < 0 && Math.Abs(_totalX) > Math.Abs(_totalY))
OnSwipedLeft(_totalX, _totalY);
else if (_totalX > 0 && _totalX > Math.Abs(_totalY))
OnSwipedRight(_totalX, _totalY);
else if (_totalY < 0 && Math.Abs(_totalY) > Math.Abs(_totalX))
OnSwipedUp(_totalX, _totalY);
else if (_totalY > 0 && _totalY > Math.Abs(_totalX))
OnSwipedDown(_totalX, _totalY);
else OnSwipedNothing(_totalX, _totalY);
protected virtual void OnSwipedDown(double x, double y)
=> SwipedDown?.Invoke(this, new SwipedEventArgs(_view, x, y));
protected virtual void OnSwipedLeft(double x, double y)
=> SwipedLeft?.Invoke(this, new SwipedEventArgs(_view, x, y));
protected virtual void OnSwipedNothing(double x, double y)
=> SwipedNothing?.Invoke(this, new SwipedEventArgs(_view, x, y));
protected virtual void OnSwipedRight(double x, double y)
=> SwipedRight?.Invoke(this, new SwipedEventArgs(_view, x, y));
protected virtual void OnSwipedUp(double x, double y)
=> SwipedUp?.Invoke(this, new SwipedEventArgs(_view, x, y));
The downside is you can't do anything while the swipe is performed, only after.
Xamarin.Forms has introduced SwipeGestureRecognizer :
<BoxView Color="Teal" ...>
<SwipeGestureRecognizer Direction="Left" Swiped="OnSwiped"/>