I would like to have a middleware function which modifies the response body.
This is for an express server.
Something like:
function modify(
I believe the OP actually wants to modify the response stream once a middleware has handled the request. Look at the bundled Compress middleware implementation for an example of how this is done. Connect monkey patches the ServerResponse
prototype to emit the header
event when writeHead
is called, but before it is completed.
You don't need to listen to any events. Just make it
function modify(req, res, next){
res.body = res.body + "modified";
And use
it after you use
the router. This way after all your routes have executed you can modify the body
express-mung is designed for this. Instead of events its just more middleware. Your example would look something like
const mung = require('express-mung')
module.exports = mung.json(body => body.modifiedBy = 'me');
Overwriting the response's write method seemed to work for me with Express 4. This allows modifying the response's body even when it's a stream.
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
var write = res.write;
res.write = function (chunk) {
if (~res.getHeader('Content-Type').indexOf('text/html')) {
chunk instanceof Buffer && (chunk = chunk.toString());
chunk = chunk.replace(/(<\/body>)/, "<script>alert('hi')</script>\n\n$1");
res.setHeader('Content-Length', chunk.length);
write.apply(this, arguments);
Just make sure to register this middleware before any other middleware that may be modifying the response.
There seems to be a module for doing just this called connect-static-transform, check it out:
A connect middleware which allows transformation of static files before serving them.
And it comes with examples, like this one.