Is there a way to have two functions with the same name but with different arguments inside the same class in Matlab?
The correct answer has already been given by Andrey. However, I've been running some experiments for some time now and I'd like to show what I think is another relatively straightforward way that has some benefits. Also, it's a method MATLAB uses for its built-in functions quite a bit.
I'm referring to this kind of key-value pair way of passing arguments:
x = 0:pi/50:2*pi;
y = sin(x);
plot(x, y, 'Color', 'blue', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'green');
There are numerous ways of parsing a varargin
cell array, but the cleanest way to do this that I've found so far uses the MATLAB inputParser
function makeSandwiches(amount, varargin)
%// MAKESANDWICHES Make a number of sandwiches.
%// By default, you get a ham and egg sandwich with butter on white bread.
%// Options:
%// amount : number of sandwiches to make (integer)
%// 'butter' : boolean
%// 'breadType' : string specifying 'white', 'sourdough', or 'rye'
%// 'topping' : string describing everything you like, we have it all!
p = inputParser(); %// instantiate inputParser
p.addRequired('amount', @isnumeric); %// use built-in MATLAB for validation
p.addOptional('butter', 1, @islogical);
p.addOptional('breadType', 'white', ... %// or use your own (anonymous) functions
@(x) strcmp(x, 'white') || strcmp(x, 'sourdough') || strcmp(x, 'rye'));
p.addOptional('toppings', 'ham and egg', @(x) ischar(x) || iscell(x))
p.parse(amount, varargin{:}); %// Upon parsing, the variables are
%// available as p.Results.<var>
%// Get some strings
if p.Results.amount == 1
stringAmount = 'one tasty sandwich';
stringAmount = sprintf('%d tasty sandwiches', p.Results.amount);
if p.Results.butter
stringButter = 'with butter';
stringButter = 'without butter';
%// Make the sandwiches
fprintf(['I made you %s %s from %s bread with %s and taught you ' ...
'something about input parsing and validation in MATLAB at ' ...
'the same time!\n'], ...
stringAmount, stringButter, p.Results.breadType, p.Results.toppings);
(slashes after comments because SO doesn't support MATLAB syntax highlighting)
The added benefits of this method are:
- Possibility to set defaults (like Python, where you can set arg=val
in the function signature)
- Possibility to perform input validation in an easy way
- You only have to remember the option names, not their order as the order doesn't matter
- there may be some overhead that may become significant when doing many function calls and not much else (not tested)
- you have to use the Results
property from the inputParser
class instead of using the variables directly
In short : No, it is not possible.
However, You can mimic this kind of behavior:
Obviously, since Matlab is a dynamic language, you can pass arguments of any type and check them.
function foo(x)
if isnumeric(x)
disp(' Numeric behavior');
elseif ischar(x)
disp(' String behavior');
You can also use varargin, and check the number of parameters, and change the behavior
function goo(varargin)
if nargin == 2
disp('2 arguments behavior');
elseif nargin == 3
disp('3 arguments behavior');