Anyone know of any plans to add support for delete parts of data from a table in Google Bigquery? The issue we have right now is we are using it for analytics of data point
2016 update: BigQuery can delete and update rows now -- Fh
Thanks for describing your use case. BigQuery is append-only by design. We currently don't support deleting single rows or a batch of rows from an existing dataset.
Currently, to implement a "rotating" log system you must either: 1. Create a new table each day (and delete older tables if that is necessary) 2. Append your data to a table and query by time/date
I would actually recommend creating a new table for each day. Since BigQuery charges by amount of data queried over, this would be most economical for you, rather than having to query over entire massive datasets every time.
By the way - how are you currently collecting your data?
If you want to delete all rows in a table then :
DELETE FROM {dataset}.{table} WHERE TRUE
Also, if applicable, you can try BigQuery's OMIT RECORD IF, to return all items except what you want to delete. Then, create a new table from that query result.
(example taken from Google reference docs)
COUNT(payload.pages.page_name) <= 80;
#standardSQL If you want to delete all the rows then use below code
delete from `project-id.data_set.table_name` where 1=1;
If you want to delete particular row then use below code.
delete from `project-id.data_set.table_name` where (your condition)
For deleting records in Big query, you have to first enable standard sql.
Steps for enabling Standard sql
This will enable the the BigQuery Data Manipulation Language (DML) to update, insert, and delete data from the BigQuery tables
Now, you can write the plain SQL query to delete the record(s)
DELETE [FROM] target_name [alias] WHERE condition
You can refer:
This is only relevant if using Legacy SQL.
You could try the following:
DELETE FROM {dataset}.{table} WHERE {constraint}