I want to pass a datetime array to a Numba function (which cannot be vectorised and would otherwise be very slow). I understand Numba supports numpy.datetime64. However, it
Ran into the same error when calculating number of business days between two dates:
from pandas.tseries.offsets import MonthBegin
import numpy as np
# Calculate the beginning of the month from a given date
df['Month_Begin'] = pd.to_datetime(df['MyDateColumn'])+ MonthBegin(-1)
# Calculate # of Business Days
# Convert dates to string to prevent type error [D]
df['TS_Period_End_Date'] = df['TS_Period_End_Date'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
df['Month_Begin'] = df['Month_Begin'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
df['Biz_Days'] = np.busday_count(df['Month_Begin'], df['MyDateColumn']) #<-- Error if not converted into strings.
My workaround was to convert the dates using ".dt.strftime(''%Y-%m-%d')". It worked in my particular case.
converts all date-like objects to datetime64[ns]
To convert to datetime64[D]
, use values
to obtain a NumPy array before calling astype
dates_input = df["month_15"].values.astype('datetime64[D]')
Note that NDFrames (such as Series and DataFrames) can only hold datetime-like objects as objects of dtype datetime64[ns]
. The automatic conversion of all datetime-likes to a common dtype simplifies subsequent date computations. But it makes it impossible to store, say, datetime64[s]
objects in a DataFrame column. Pandas core developer, Jeff Reback explains,
"We don't allow direct conversions because its simply too complicated to keep anything other than datetime64[ns] internally (nor necessary at all)."
Also note that even though df['month_15'].astype('datetime64[D]')
has dtype datetime64[ns]
In [29]: df['month_15'].astype('datetime64[D]').dtype
Out[29]: dtype('<M8[ns]')
when you iterate through the items in the Series, you get pandas Timestamps
, not datetime64[ns]
In [28]: df['month_15'].astype('datetime64[D]').tolist()
Out[28]: [Timestamp('2010-01-15 00:00:00'), Timestamp('2011-01-15 00:00:00')]
Therefore, it is not clear that Numba actually has a problem with datetime64[ns]
, it might just have a problem with Timestamps
. Sorry, I can't check this -- I don't have Numba installed.
However, it might be useful for you to try
since df['month_15'].astype('datetime64[D]').values
is truly a NumPy array of dtype datetime64[ns]
In [31]: df['month_15'].astype('datetime64[D]').values.dtype
Out[31]: dtype('<M8[ns]')
If that works, then you don't have to convert everything to datetime64[D]
, you just have to pass NumPy arrays -- not Pandas Series -- to testf