I need to implement some kind table-like data structure that stores info like this in Java:
| sij | i | j |
What do you mean with:
i have to be able to sort it by the sij parameter
What's wrong with:
Object [][] data
Ok, just guessing that what you need is a "StrangeDataStructure" which holds the array, and helps you to sort by the first column, then the only thing that you need is something like this:
class Structure {
Object [][] data;
Object [] indexColumn; // the sij?
And that's it: you should add a sort method indicating the direction, and sort using the "indexColumn"
It is VEEERY simple I think ( and If I understood your "question" )
You know what? I'm going to implement it.
// time elapses...
Here it is:
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class StrangeStructure {
private Integer [][] data;
private Integer [] sij; // what is sij anyway?
public StrangeStructure( Integer [][] matrix ) {
data = matrix;
sij = new Integer[ data.length ];
for( int i = 0 ; i < data.length ; i++ ) {
sij[i] = data[i][0];
public void sort( Direction direction ) {
Comparator sijComparator = new DataComparator( direction, true );
Comparator dataComparator = new DataComparator( direction, false );
Arrays.sort( sij, sijComparator );
Arrays.sort( data, dataComparator );
public static void main( String [] args ) {
StrangeStructure s =
new StrangeStructure( new Integer[][]{
{ 45, 5, 7 },
{ 33, 1, 6 },
{ 31, 0, 9 },
{ 12, 8, 2 }
System.out.printf("Original:\n%s", s );
s.sort( Direction.MIN_TO_MAX );
System.out.printf("Min to max:\n%s", s );
s.sort( Direction.MAX_TO_MIN );
System.out.printf("Max to min\n%s", s );
public String toString() {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for( Integer [] row : data ) {
for( int i : row ) {
b.append( i+",");
return b.toString();
class DataComparator implements Comparator {
private Direction direction;
private boolean isSij;
public DataComparator( Direction d, boolean isSij ) {
this.direction = d;
this.isSij = isSij;
public int compare( Object one , Object two ) {
if( isSij ){
return doCompare( direction, (Integer) one, (Integer) two );
} else {
return doCompare( direction, ((Integer[])one)[0], ((Integer[])two)[0]);
public int doCompare( Direction d, int one, int two ) {
int a = ( d == Direction.MIN_TO_MAX? one: two );
int b = ( d == Direction.MIN_TO_MAX? two: one ) ;
return a - b;
public boolean equals( Object o ) {
return false;
enum Direction{
Min to max:
Max to min
One option is to create a new object that contains the 3 variables, and then make an array/tree of those objects, and sort by the parameter you want.
You could use the MultiValueMap from Apache in order to link multiple values with one key.
If I understand your question right, all you need is a Comparable
class to represent a row.
public static class Row
implements Comparable<Row> {
public Row(int sij, int i, int j) {
this.sij = sij;
this.i = i;
this.j = j;
public int compareTo(Row other) {
return Integer.valueOf(sij).compareTo(other.sij);
public final int sij;
public final int i;
public final int j;
You can then populate a List
with instances of Row
and use Collections.sort
to sort it.
Here's one way: make an object called Row to hold each row, and then make a java.util.HashMap whose keys are Integer sij's and whose values are the corresponding Rows.
public class Example
public static class Row
public Integer sij;
public Integer i;
public Integer j;
public Row(Integer sij, Integer i, Integer j)
this.sij = sij;
this.i = i;
this.j = j;
public static void main(String[] args)
Row r1 = new Row(45, 5, 7);
Row r2 = new Row(33, 1, 6);
Row r3 = new Row(31, 0, 9);
Row r4 = new Row(12, 8, 2);
Map<Integer, Row> map = new TreeMap<Integer, Row>();
map.put(r1.sij, r1);
map.put(r2.sij, r2);
map.put(r3.sij, r3);
map.put(r4.sij, r4);
for ( Row row : map.values() ) {
System.out.println("sij: " + row.sij + " i: " + row.i + " j: " + row.j);
When this runs it produces:
sij: 12 i: 8 j: 2
sij: 31 i: 0 j: 9
sij: 33 i: 1 j: 6
sij: 45 i: 5 j: 7
Read the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Use Tables. The tutorial shows how to create a table as well as how to add sorting capability to the table.
If you only need to store the data but not display it, then you can use a 2-dimensional array or a List of Lists. Then you can use the Column Comparator to do the sorting.
Edit: added code demonstrating use of the ColumnComparator
import java.util.*;
public class SortSIJ
public static void main(String args[])
Object[] data = new Object[4];
data[0] = new Integer[] {45, 5, 7};
data[1] = new Integer[] {33, 1, 6};
data[2] = new Integer[] {31, 0, 9};
data[3] = new Integer[] {12, 8, 2};
ColumnComparator cc = new ColumnComparator(0);
// cc.setAscending( false );
Arrays.sort(data, cc);
for (Object row: data)
Integer[] theRow = (Integer[])row;
System.out.println( Arrays.asList(theRow) );
I also agree with the suggestion to create an Object to store the 3 variables. In this case you can use the BeanComparator which can be found at the above link.