I use LETTERS most of the time for my factors but today I tried to go beyond 26 characters:
Expecting there to be an automati
Another solution for excel style column names, generalized to any number of letters
#' Excel Style Column Names
#' @param n maximum number of letters in column name
excel_style_colnames <- function(n){
function(x, y) as.vector(outer(x, y, 'paste0')),
lapply(1:n, function(x) LETTERS),
accumulate = TRUE
A variant on eipi10's method (ordered correctly) using data.table:
This solution uses recursion. Usage is a bit different in the sense MORELETTERS
is not a long vector you will have to store and possibly expand as your inputs get larger. Instead, it is a function that converts your numbers into the new base.
extend <- function(alphabet) function(i) {
base10toA <- function(n, A) {
stopifnot(n >= 0L)
N <- length(A)
j <- n %/% N
if (j == 0L) A[n + 1L] else paste0(Recall(j - 1L, A), A[n %% N + 1L])
vapply(i-1L, base10toA, character(1L), alphabet)
# [1] "A" "B" ... "ALL"
MORELETTERS(c(1, 26, 27, 1000, 1e6, .Machine$integer.max))
# [1] "A" "Z" "AA" "ALL" "BDWGN" "FXSHRXW"
Yet another option:
l2 = c(LETTERS, sort(do.call("paste0", expand.grid(LETTERS, LETTERS[1:3]))))
Adjust the two instances of LETTERS
inside expand.grid
to get the number of letter pairs you'd like.
A function to produce Excel-style column names, i.e.
# A, B, ..., Z, AA, AB, ..., AZ, BA, BB, ..., ..., ZZ, AAA, ...
letterwrap <- function(n, depth = 1) {
args <- lapply(1:depth, FUN = function(x) return(LETTERS))
x <- do.call(expand.grid, args = list(args, stringsAsFactors = F))
x <- x[, rev(names(x)), drop = F]
x <- do.call(paste0, x)
if (n <= length(x)) return(x[1:n])
return(c(x, letterwrap(n - length(x), depth = depth + 1)))
letterwrap(26^2 + 52) # through AAZ
## This will take a few seconds:
# x <- letterwrap(1e6)
It's probably not the fastest, but it extends indefinitely and is nicely predictable. Took about 20 seconds to produce through 1 million, BDWGN
(For a few more details, see here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21689613/903061)
Would 702 be enough?
LETTERS702 <- c(LETTERS, sapply(LETTERS, function(x) paste0(x, LETTERS)))
If not, how about 18,278?
MOAR_LETTERS <- function(n=2) {
n <- as.integer(n[1L])
if(!is.finite(n) || n < 2)
stop("'n' must be a length-1 integer >= 2")
res <- vector("list", n)
res[[1]] <- LETTERS
for(i in 2:n)
res[[i]] <- c(sapply(res[[i-1L]], function(y) paste0(y, LETTERS)))
# chr [1:18278] "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "O" ...