I have two strings. For the sake of the example they are set like this:
string1=\"test toast\"
string2=\"test test\"
What I want is to find
An improved version of the sed example, this finds the common prefix of N strings (N>=0):
string1="test toast"
string2="test test"
{ echo "$string1"; echo "$string2"; echo "$string3"; } | sed -e 'N;s/^\(.*\).*\n\1.*$/\1\n\1/;D'
If the strings are stored in an array, they can be piped to sed with printf:
strings=("test toast" "test test" "teaser")
printf "%s\n" "${strings[@]}" | sed -e '$!{N;s/^\(.*\).*\n\1.*$/\1\n\1/;D;}'
You can also use a here-string:
strings=("test toast" "test test" "teaser")
<<<"${strings[*]}" sed -e '$!{N;s/^\(.*\).*\n\1.*$/\1\n\1/;D;}'
# for a local IFS:
(IFS=$'\n'; sed -e '$!{N;s/^\(.*\).*\n\1.*$/\1\n\1/;D;}' <<<"${strings[*]}")
The here-string (as with all redirections) can go anywhere within a simple command.
Grep short variant (idea borrowed from sed one):
$ echo -e "String1\nString2" | grep -zoP '^(.*)(?=.*?\n\1)'
Assumes string have no new line character. But easy may be tuned to use any delimiter.
Update at 2016-10-24: On modern versions of grep you may receive complain grep: unescaped ^ or $ not supported with -Pz
, just use \A
instead of ^
$ echo -e "String1\nString2" | grep -zoP '\A(.*)(?=.*?\n\1)'
Ok, in bash:
while [ "${t#${s:0:$l}}" != "$t" ]
(( l = l + 1 ))
(( l = l - 1 ))
echo "${s:0:$l}"
It's the same algorithm as in other languages, but pure bash functionality. And, might I say, a bit uglier, too :-)
Without sed, using the cmp utility to get the index of the 1st different character, and using process substitution to get the 2 strings to cmp:
string1="test toast"
string2="test test"
first_diff_char=$(cmp <( echo "$string1" ) <( echo "$string2" ) | cut -d " " -f 5 | tr -d ",")
echo ${string1:0:$((first_diff_char-1))}
Another python-based answer, this one based on the os.path module's native commonprefix function
cat mystream | python -c $'import sys, os; sys.stdout.write(os.path.commonprefix(sys.stdin.readlines()) + b\'\\n\')'
Longform, that's
import sys
import os
os.path.commonprefix(sys.stdin.readlines()) + b'\n'
/!\ Note: the entire text of the stream will be loaded into memory as python string objects before being crunched with this method
If not buffering the entire stream in memory is a requirement, we can use the communicative property and to the prefix commonality check between every input pair
cat mystream | python -c $'import sys\nimport os\nfor line in sys.stdin:\n\tif not os.path.isfile(line.strip()):\n\t\tcontinue\n\tsys.stdout.write(line)\n') | pythoin sys.stdin:\n\tprefix=os.path.commonprefix([line] + ([prefix] if prefix else []))\nsys.stdout.write(prefix)''
Long form
import sys
import os
prefix = None
for line in sys.stdin:
[line] + ([prefix] if prev else [])
Both of these methods should be binary-safe, as in they don't need input/output data to be ascii or utf-8 encoded, if you run into encoding errors, python 3 renamed sys.stdin to sys.stdin.buffer and sys.stdout to sys.stdout.buffer, which will not automatically decode/encode input/output streams on use
If you have an option to install a python package, you can use this python utility
# install pythonp
pythonp -m pip install pythonp
echo -e "$string1\n$string2" | pythonp 'l1,l2=lines
res=itertools.takewhile(lambda a: a[0]==a[1], zip(l1,l2)); "".join(r[0] for r in res)'