I need to send json response depends on user entered data in input, but I\'m failing to send simple json request.
I followed this article - http://paydrotalks.com/po
One Simple way is:
def my_action
render :json => {:name => "any name"}
I usually use this method to return json data:
msg = {:token => token, :courseId => courseId}
render :json => msg
Not sure about dealing with custom MIME, but as for rendering JSON, this should work:
def testme
respond_to do |format|
msg = { :status => "ok", :message => "Success!", :html => "<b>...</b>" }
format.json { render :json => msg } # don't do msg.to_json
Also it might help if you state which version of Ruby and Rails you are using.
The simplest way is render json: {foo: 'bar'}