How can I delete a folder using C++?
If no cross-platform way exists, then how to do it for the most-popular OSes - Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS, Android? Would a POSIX
Use SHFileOperation to remove the folder recursivelly
I strongly advise to use Boost.FileSystem.
In your case that would be
The directory must be empty and your program must have permissions to delete it
but the function called rmdir will do it
rmdir("C:/Documents and Settings/user/Desktop/itsme")
The C++ Standard defines the remove() function, which may or may not delete a folder, depending on implementation. If it doesn't you need to use an implementation specific function such as rmdir().
My own implementation based off hB0 that also allows you to view the number of files in each folder also with a little performance boost.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
union seperated {
struct {
unsigned int low;
unsigned int high;
} uint;
unsigned long long ull;
unsigned long long num_dirs = 1;
unsigned long long num_files = 0;
seperated size_files;
int DeleteDirectory( char* refRootDirectory ); //predeclare it
int DeleteDirectory( char* refRootDirectory ) {
HANDLE hFile; // Handle to directory
std::string strFilePath; // Filepath
WIN32_FIND_DATA FileInformation; // File information
int dwError; // Folder deleting error
std::string strPattern; // Pattern
strPattern = (std::string)(refRootDirectory) + "\\*.*";
hFile = ::FindFirstFile( strPattern.c_str(), &FileInformation );
do {
if( FileInformation.cFileName[0] != '.' ) {
strFilePath = std::string(refRootDirectory) + "\\" + FileInformation.cFileName;
if( FileInformation.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) {
DeleteDirectory( (char*)strFilePath.c_str() );
dwError = ::GetLastError();
if( dwError != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES ) {
std::cout << "!ERROR!: [[" << strFilePath.c_str() << "]]\n";
return dwError;
} else {
// Set directory attributes
if( ! ::SetFileAttributes(refRootDirectory,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) ) {
std::cout << "!ERROR!: [[" << strFilePath.c_str() << "]]\n";
return ::GetLastError();
// Delete directory
if( ! ::RemoveDirectory(refRootDirectory) ) {
std::cout << "!ERROR!: [[" << strFilePath.c_str() << "]]\n";
return ::GetLastError();
} else {
// Set file attributes
if( ! ::SetFileAttributes(strFilePath.c_str(),FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) ) {
std::cout << "!ERROR!: [[" << strFilePath.c_str() << "]]\n";
return ::GetLastError();
// Delete file
if ( ! ::DeleteFile(strFilePath.c_str()) ) {
std::cout << "!ERROR!: [[" << strFilePath.c_str() << "]]\n";
return ::GetLastError();
size_files.ull += FileInformation.nFileSizeLow;
size_files.uint.high += FileInformation.nFileSizeHigh;
} while( ::FindNextFile(hFile,&FileInformation) );
// Close handle
::FindClose( hFile );
return 0;
unsigned long long num_files_total=0;
unsigned long long num_dirs_total=0;
unsigned long long total_size_files=0;
void my_del_directory( char* dir_name ) {
int iRC = DeleteDirectory( dir_name );
//int iRC=0;
std::cout << "\"" << dir_name << "\""
"\n Folders: " << num_dirs
<< "\n Files: " << num_files
<< "\n Size: " << size_files.ull << " Bytes";
std::cout << "\n!ERROR!: " << iRC;
std::cout << "\n\n";
num_dirs_total += num_dirs;
num_files_total += num_files;
total_size_files += size_files.ull;
num_dirs = 1;
num_files = 0;
size_files.ull = 0ULL;
int main( void )
size_files.ull = 0ULL;
my_del_directory( (char*)"C:\Windows\temp" );
// This will clear out the System temporary directory on windows systems
std::cout << "\n\nResults" << "\nTotal Folders: " << num_dirs_total
<< "\nTotal Files: " << num_files_total
<< "\nTotal Size: " << total_size_files << " Bytes\n";
return 0;
Try use system "rmdir -s -q file_to_delte
This will delete the folder and all files in it.