Check if character is number?

前端 未结 22 608
误落风尘 2020-12-03 00:29

I need to check whether justPrices[i].substr(commapos+2,1).

The string is something like: \"blabla,120\"

In this case it would check whether \'0

  • 2020-12-03 00:51

    I think it's very fun to come up with ways to solve this. Below are some.
    (All functions below assume argument is a single character. Change to n[0] to enforce it)

    Method 1:

    function isCharDigit(n){
      return !!n.trim() && n > -1;

    Method 2:

    function isCharDigit(n){
      return !!n.trim() && n*0==0;

    Method 3:

    function isCharDigit(n){
      return !!n.trim() && !!Number(n+.1); // "+.1' to make it work with "." and "0" Chars

    Method 4:

    var isCharDigit = (function(){
      var a = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1];
      return function(n){
        return !!a[n] // check if `a` Array has anything in index 'n'. Cast result to boolean

    Method 5:

    function isCharDigit(n){
      return !!n.trim() && !isNaN(+n);

    Test string:

    var str = ' 90ABcd#?:.+', char;
    for( char of str ) 
      console.log( char, isCharDigit(char) );
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-03 00:51

    Simple function

    function isCharNumber(c){
        return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-03 00:51

    This seems to work:

    Static binding:

    String.isNumeric = function (value) {
        return !isNaN(String(value) * 1);

    Prototype binding:

    String.prototype.isNumeric = function () {
        return !isNaN(this.valueOf() * 1);

    It will check single characters, as well as whole strings to see if they are numeric.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-03 00:51

    Just use isFinite

    const number = "1";
    if (isFinite(number)) {
        // do something
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-03 00:52

    If you are testing single characters, then:

    var isDigit = (function() {
        var re = /^\d$/;
        return function(c) {
            return re.test(c);

    will return true or false depending on whether c is a digit or not.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-03 00:52

    A simple solution by leveraging language's dynamic type checking:

    function isNumber (string) {
       //it has whitespace
       if(string.trim() === ''){
         return false
       return string - 0 === string * 1

    see test cases below

    function isNumber (str) {
       if(str.trim() === ''){
         return false
       return str - 0 === str * 1
    console.log('-1' + ' → ' + isNumber ('-1'))    
    console.log('-1.5' + ' → ' + isNumber ('-1.5')) 
    console.log('0' + ' → ' + isNumber ('0'))    
    console.log(', ,' + ' → ' + isNumber (', ,'))  
    console.log('0.42' + ' → ' + isNumber ('0.42'))   
    console.log('.42' + ' → ' + isNumber ('.42'))    
    console.log('#abcdef' + ' → ' + isNumber ('#abcdef'))
    console.log('1.2.3' + ' → ' + isNumber ('1.2.3')) 
    console.log('' + ' → ' + isNumber (''))    
    console.log('blah' + ' → ' + isNumber ('blah'))

    0 讨论(0)