I\'m using a Google Apps Script to send an email out - I know how to do that. I want to embed a \"Yes or No\" response link or multiple choice question, and have the recipie
A simple way to do this with little work with regard to the developing a ui and managing the responses, is to create a from using the Google Apps infrastructure, sending yourself the form by email and clicking on show original.
You can then take the embedded code and use in your scrip to send your mails, the response will be recorded in the spreadsheet associated with the form automatically.
You can then override the onFormSubmit event and do the processing you need.
Let me know if you need more info.
The components involved in this workflow are:
function to handle responses. The script must be deployed as a Web App.Here is an example of such a workflow, conducting a Commuting Survey. Recipients will receive a survey email like this:
Recipients fill out the form right in their email client, if it supports that capability. Responses will be collected in a spreadsheet, like this:
Create the spreadsheet headers yourself, before running the script.
The "Serial Number" column has been added to illustrate a way to correlate responses with particular respondents; note that some entries repeat. When a survey email is generated, it is given a unique serial number, which is then passed back as a hidden value with the responses. We could extend this system to recognize updates from respondents, for instance.
Now, the code. (Which is also available as a gist.)
<form action="<?= scriptUrl ?>" method="Post">
<label for="commute">Do you commute to work?</label>
<select name="commute">
<label for="vehicle">If "Yes", how do you get to work?</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="vehicle" value="Bike">I have a bike<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="vehicle" value="Car">I have a car
<!-- A Hidden field is a handy way to pass information to the
Server-side POST handler. For example, a serial number could
be used to collate responses from a particular recipient. -->
<input type="hidden" name="serial" value="<?= serialNumber ?>" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
// doPost needs the spreadsheet ID, it has no concept of "active spreadsheet".
var _spreadsheetId = '--- Spreadsheet ID ---';
// Add custom menu with option to send survey
function onOpen() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var entries = [{
name : "Send Survey",
functionName : "sendSurvey"
sheet.addMenu("Custom Menu", entries);
* Build & Send Survey, an HTML form in email.
function sendSurvey() {
var recipient = Browser.inputBox("Send Survey", "Enter Recipient Email", Browser.Buttons.OK_CANCEL);
if (recipient === 'cancel') return;
var subject = 'Commuting Survey';
// Get the URL of the published Web App, to include in email for POST of response
var scriptUrl = ScriptApp.getService().getUrl();
if (!scriptUrl) throw new Error( 'You must Deploy as Web App first.' );
// Build email body
var template = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('emailTemplate');
template.scriptUrl = scriptUrl;
template.serialNumber = getGUID(); // Generate serial number for this response
var html = template.evaluate().getContent();
// During debugging, send emails to self. Remove this line for real operation.
recipient = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
// Send email form
GmailApp.sendEmail(recipient, subject, 'Requires HTML', {htmlBody:html} );
Browser.msgBox("Survey Sent");
* POST handler for responses;
function doPost(e) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(_spreadsheetId);
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0]; // Assume first sheet collects responses
// Build a row of data with timestamp + posted response
var row = [
new Date(), // Timestamp
e.parameters.serial[0], // Serial Number
e.parameters.commute[0], // Commuter? Yes / No
e.parameters.vehicle.join(',') // Vehicle
// Make sure we are the only people adding rows to the spreadsheet
var lock = LockService.getPublicLock();
// Wait for up to 30 seconds for other processes to finish.
var locked = lock.tryLock(30000);
if (locked) {
// Save response to spreadsheet
var rowNum = sheet.getLastRow()+1;
sheet.getRange(rowNum, 1, 1, row.length).setValues([row]);
// Release the lock so that other processes can continue.
var result = "Response Recorded: \n "+row.join('\n ');
else {
// Failed to get lock
result = "System busy, please try again.";
// Report result of POST, in plain text
return ContentService.createTextOutput(result)
* Returns an rfc4122 version 4 compliant GUID / UUID string
* Thanks to @broofa!
* http://stackoverflow.com/a/2117523/1677912
function getGUID() {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
return v.toString(16);
To use this survey system as-is:
content. Copy the ID of your spreadsheet, and update the _spreadsheetId
variable at the top of the file. Save.emailTemplate.html
content. Save.onOpen
function in the editor.Ready to go! You'll find a "Custom Menu" in your spreadsheet, with a "Send Survey" command.